Missing defunct labels + why?

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, July 16, 2024, 08:54:55 PM

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Was corresponding with a person who mentioned discovering one old label online that didn't think still existed, but also mentioned one label that was feeling its too bad it no longer exists.

Do you find "missing" or lets say, thinking about so labels that used to be great and now feels like it would be great if they were still here? Any why?

Question may not be very realistic in some ways. Like thinking, what would be PURE (RRR) now, if it would have been churning out 20 CD's a year or something? Or what would be Broken Flag if it would have kept on going as active as it was in early days? Or could GROSS remain as interesting as the tape era was, if he just kept going on?

Nevertheless, I find myself think that if not labels themselves, perhaps someone that would continue something in lines of...

State Art
Praxis Dr. Bearmann
Ultra (rus)

Especially this specific atmosphere, of labels who combined occult, esoteric, euro mythology, blood religion, with quite eccentric mix of industrial/power electronics/neo folk/noise/ambient. I can't really see that type of thing happening anymore, in a way that it would be striking out as kind of... hmmm authentic.
Harsh noise, there is no shortage. That department is doing better than ever. But labels who would be putting out some higher reaching projects. Be it like LOKI FOUNDATION/PAS, LJDLP, Allerseelen curated booklets, compilations etc, PDB (War Against Society!) and so on. I can't say I necessarily miss vintage label doing same thing they did 30 years ago... or am I? Or someone doing it? At least hoping such labels would be there, that would exists not as gimmick or as some sort of PR thing, but as personal desire to do that.

Also, I do miss the "3 for 20,-" labels, hah.. Troniks, Pure, Ground Fault. I would really like 3 for 20 CD label that keep discography available for decade than "bandcamp labels".

Missing some label or approach in publishing?
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


I imagine that, after many years of activity and with constant production, it would be difficult to maintain a certain old school vibe/approach.
Things tend to get less "special" when a new album is just a another album.
And perhaps some labels have achieved mythical status precisely because they didn't last that long.

QuoteEspecially this specific atmosphere, of labels who combined occult, esoteric, euro mythology, blood religion, with quite eccentric mix of industrial/power electronics/neo folk/noise/ambient. I can't really see that type of thing happening anymore, in a way that it would be striking out as kind of... hmmm authentic.

I second this.
I also think of what Nekrophile Rekords or Cthulhu Records did, in that gray area between industrial and esotericism. I don't see (or maybe I just don't know) anything like that nowadays.
Personally, a certain type of approach and the variety of contents/styles is one of the things that intrigued me most when I discovered the industrial/neofolk scene of the time. And I find this has sadly been lost over the years, the "scenes" (and labels too) have become more compartmentalized.
Perhaps Ajna is the only name that comes to mind in reference to the labels mentioned above.


I think Dunkelheit are hitting the nail on the head with a good variety of releases, without falling into the 'Throw shit at a wall and hope some sticks' approach.


Slaughter is one of those labels I missed out on and will forever kick myself over.


Slaughter is good example, that many of those artists on label did releases elsewhere too but there was just one Slaughter productions. Meaning that even if you sign some of the same bands, use the oversize tape packaging etc, it just won't be the same. Of course, why even try, almost like re-creating CMI. No point. Yet even attempt to create label that has own roster - so to say. Clear identity. Quite rare cases to have such labels now?

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


I miss the "label as the artist" approach in industrial and related genres. Current labels tend to be more streamlined, perhaps because the genres have become more standardized.


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 17, 2024, 09:19:51 AMSlaughter is good example, that many of those artists on label did releases elsewhere too but there was just one Slaughter productions. Meaning that even if you sign some of the same bands, use the oversize tape packaging etc, it just won't be the same. Of course, why even try, almost like re-creating CMI. No point. Yet even attempt to create label that has own roster - so to say. Clear identity. Quite rare cases to have such labels now?

Attic Shrines perhaps fits in here? A tape label with strong unifying vision for both visual presentation and sound, and clearly intent on generating a standalone roster while curating a particular vein of obscure underground sonics.
noise receptor: sound with impact - analysing the abstract

spectrum magazine archive: ambient / industrial / experimental / power electronics / neo-folk music culture magazine


Quote from: BlackCavendish on July 16, 2024, 09:51:17 PMI imagine that, after many years of activity and with constant production, it would be difficult to maintain a certain old school vibe/approach.
Things tend to get less "special" when a new album is just a another album.
And perhaps some labels have achieved mythical status precisely because they didn't last that long.

Think of something like PDB. Pretty much all killer and well regarded output from the just less than 30 releases they put out. Would they have maintained that level if they went on past the 2-3 years they did?

As that paragon of undying wisdom, The Kurgan, would say "It's better to burn out, then fade away!"


We can also see a lot of labels who changed over time. Lets say Hspital Productions who have multiple different phases. While some qualities remain same, it is almost like reborn every now and then.

It was also quite revelation to read RRR book, since I never really thought about the label beyond one monolithic appearance. When its being explained what he really did, it is obvious he had multiple 3-5 year phases, where very different things happened.

One could say same of Tesco or something as well. You have the early Tesco, where emphasis is on absolutely unique packaging solutions. Different formats. Certain type of artists. Then you got the other Tesco approaches. It is still Tesco, for sure, but there is a differences.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Sometimes it's good to die young and leave a beautiful corpse.