I personally do not find noise to be negative, and my favorite stuff I rather find life affirming, like the schimpfluc, haters or TNB stuff. I think this is a perception that many outsiders and new listeners experience while getting into it, part of it is artist and content, the other part is developing an ear that provides context and order to the sound.
Even stuff like PE like Slogun, Whitehouse etc usually makes me laugh (not in a dismissive way) but in the way Judas Priest, Candle mass or Bathory does, it's like posturing in a safe space and I think in the best cases the artist is aware of it, at worst I just sorta feel sad. I personally know that in my most negative and depressive moments I don't listen to anything at all, sometimes for months at a time. I feel the environmental sound itself produces something so much more bleak than anything being created could.
Negativity is a perception we as listeners/viewers throw upon something, be it the environment, a song, or fragment of. Such as a sample of kids on a playground, which could seem extremely unsettling with context removed. content, themes and messages are things the artist can express in their packaging that can move the listener to the perception or intent. But any act of creation even through the lense of destruction is ultimately a positive act.
Real destruction is wholly negative, your house burning down, an unintended car accident or a mass shooting. You can view them through an aesthetic lense as an outsider but these are different than the deconstruction of a filing cabinet durning and active act of recording.