Metgumbnerbone 2CD

Started by Yrjö-Koskinen, January 20, 2020, 09:00:18 PM

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Mr Klang

Anomalous are the only distro in the US who stock the 2CD although they quickly sold out. However, they will have more very soon. They will also have more of the pin and patch.

''Anthropological Field Recordings For The Dispossessed,' a generous 2+ hours of recordings wrapped in a typically enigmatic and low-on-information package that rounds up 'Ligeliahorn,' 'For The Raven' and several previously unreleased material. The first thing I noted upon listening was how much more rhythmic much of the non-'Ligeliahorn' material is compared to that album and 'The Curfew Recordings.' The sound and character of the performances differ per location; ranging from 'dry' recordings to sessions with massive natural reverb and from almost serene sessions to brutal shamanic drumming. There are sporadic voices buried in the sound and whereas most performances are improvised and unstructured, some are more rhythmic and structured. It sounds as if the Metgumbnerbone is guided rather by the location, than intention, which is a good thing. This far more complete double CD is a fascinating listen which, while shining light on Metgumbnerbone's darkness, does not provide many answers. And all the better for it. 'Anthropological Field Recordings For The Dispossessed' is the essential soundtrack to your clandestine late-night activities.' Freek Kinkelaar, Vital.


Yeah, this is nowhere to be found in the US except the aforementioned (sold out from) Anomalous.
If anyone wants to sell me a copy of the 2CD or 2CS... please write me.

impulse manslaughter


Well, I hope you are sitting comfortably and with a cheering drink within easy reach for I am about to unfold before your disbelieving eyes a rather involved and somewhat sordid tale of treachery, ego and attempted blackmail

First let us cast our minds way back to the origins of the SPOOK-O-RAMA you now witness before you. These conjurations took place at Morden Tower in 1983 with a view to, perhaps, becoming the first 'bone L.P. Soon after further summonings were undertaken in an abandonded railway tunnel. and we thought they would make a better first album. Not long after that the celebrants enacted their duplicitous mummery once again within THE RUINS OF INDUSTRY which, of course, did become the first 'bone L.P. LIGELIAHORN. The tunnel summinings formed the backbone of DREUN and THE MORDEN TOWER CONJURATIONS were all but forgotton about.

Now, let us journey forth in time some FORTY ENGLISH YEARS and we get to thinking about whatever happened to those early 'bone recordings?An initial inspection of THE METGUMBNERVAULTS proved unfruitful. Richard Rupenus (TNB) had made the original recordings but, unfortuanately, didn't know what had became of them. However, he did remember that he had made a copy of said recordings at the time for someone who had been there.The good news was he still had them, the bad, they was in the possession of a grasping, unscrupulous egomaniac! When he realised he was the only person who still had a copy of these recordings he started making all manner of demands about their release. He sent ourselves and Rudolfo (O.E.C.) who was planning on releasing same as a handsome gatefold sleeve album MP3's saying he would only supply the WAV files if we complied with his demands. Namely, ridiculous pseudo ethnic Tibetan cover art and titles, the album to be released under the name CITIPATI instead of METGUMBNERBONE and his name to be on it as a supposed founder of "the band"! Well, as you may imagine, we refused to accede to his ransom demands. Unfortuanately, this loathsome abomination had its own record label, hypnagogia, and released it via same.

So, if your still awake, what you now have before you is the original, unadulterated SPOOK SHOW as intended. Art works, traditional scene setter and titles made available for the contemplation and delight of the true DISCIPLE OF 'BONE.


More Metgumbnerbone is always welcome, despite the unpleasant tale.