power noise like Terrorfakt

Started by jesusfaggotchrist, June 18, 2013, 05:25:59 PM

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What's everyone's opinion of Gridlock?


gridlock is amazing, but from a more "highbrow" point of view. They are much more towards IDM and complex song composition, and less repetitive and noisey, I am not sure they are what you are looking for here.


Quote from: Brad on June 21, 2013, 03:37:04 PM
Quote from: Bereft on June 21, 2013, 07:38:30 AM
Ant-zen had some amazing releases, I am a huge synapscape fan, as well as morgenstern, silk saw, mondblut and almost anything pre catalog #100 definatly some gold in there, but the same could be said about early hands or adnoiseam.

Signum by P.A.L is the best album of the powernoise genre.  Which might be because a lot of it doesn't really sound like powernoise, but whatever.

I have been having this argument for years. early rhythmic noise is fun, "powernoise" or the distorted techno stuff made for clubs is boring as shit. There is a difference. that Pal album is pure  dive/Klinik worship.


Quote from: Bereft on June 21, 2013, 11:41:19 PM
Quote from: Brad on June 21, 2013, 03:37:04 PM
Quote from: Bereft on June 21, 2013, 07:38:30 AM
Ant-zen had some amazing releases, I am a huge synapscape fan, as well as morgenstern, silk saw, mondblut and almost anything pre catalog #100 definatly some gold in there, but the same could be said about early hands or adnoiseam.

Signum by P.A.L is the best album of the powernoise genre.  Which might be because a lot of it doesn't really sound like powernoise, but whatever.

I have been having this argument for years. early rhythmic noise is fun, "powernoise" or the distorted techno stuff made for clubs is boring as shit. There is a difference. that Pal album is pure  dive/Klinik worship.

Something more along the lines of Converter is what I'm looking for


monokrom: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99G2I-l-Z64

Asche : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX1DbFPgucQ although i would stay away from the new stuff

Synapscape:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV4m8lJz24s The older the better. the rage album is the best

Aural Blasphemy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9IJLyENHqk

t-faktor : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4E915hQGrE

That should get you started.


I actually liked a song I heard from Peoples Republic Of Europe. Anything like that would be great as well


whenever i'm in the powernoise mood usually grab one of the classics....

imminent starvation - human dislocation cd, nord cd
imminent synapscape - screenwalking cd
synapscape - so what 2x-cd
noisex - ignarrogance 2x-cd
winterkalte - structures of destruction cd
sonar - overdose simulation 2x-cd
hypsnoskull - rythmusmaschine einz, zwei cd
p.a.l - plugged/live cs, signum cd, reel cd, m@rmx lp
pineal gland zirbeldruese - dawn-rise-death cd
v/a: ant-hology 2x-cd - really good example of ant-zen at its best

the only stuff not from "that era" listed above that i actively listen to is ALBERICH .... nato-uniformen especially.... really reminds me of a rougher, dirtier, minimal early obscure ant-zen band