sherman & field, Hinterkaifeck, SBTDOH / TILES CS (Minimal Impact)

Started by minimal.impact, October 16, 2020, 09:30:00 AM

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New releases on Minimal Impact.


The debut tape from Ipswich duo sherman & field. Jam based experimental electronics / industrial techno recorded in a single take. Environmental sound presented as a waypoint or milestone in the development of this project. Dubbed on both sides of cassette for your convenience, with initial field recording mix contributed by TILES.

This recording is presented in a slightly abbreviated form, compromising some 28 minutes of the original length. Edition of 30 on upcycled cassette tapes with folded A5 insert.

Repress of the second demo from black metal band Hinterkaifeck. Originally released via Nihilistic Noise Propaganda (US), this demo yet again ups the ante. Edition of 40 upcycled cassette tapes with folded A5 insert.

Original cover art by Lloyd Goudie

Split between Shrouded Recordings and Minimal Impact label heads. Two tracks each, conceptualised and recorded in the midst of Covid lockdowns, anti-imperial protests, and other widespread civil unrest. SBTDOH opens with a full on noise assault, interspersed with chunks of discourse delivered by notable civil rights activists. On the B side, TILES again reflects on and occupies psychogeography, manipulating field recordings from the suburbs of south-east Queensland. Familiar vocalisations are heard throughout, which describe sometimes distant, but otherwise common moments of violence and domestic unrest.

This release features full sized reversible A4 artwork from each label. This edition is printed with black toner on one side, and coloured toner on the other.

Released in Australia via Minimal Impact edition of 20 on upcycled cassette tapes. Tapes are dubbed and insert printed on unceded Jagera land.

Also released in the United States through Shrouded Recordings, which operates on the unceded land of the Menominee, Fox, Mascouten, Sauk, Potawatomi, Ojibwe and Ho-Chunk people.

Bigcartel check out also available for all three releases.


SBTDOH/TILES also available through Shrouded Recordings (US). Copies of all releases are being sorted for No Mames Distro (US), and Brilliant Emperor Records (AU) will have limited numbers of Hinterkaifeck's Kak. Other distro's feel free to reach out via email:


Copies of Kak en route to Brilliant Emperor (AU). Some copies of Pastoral Affective will also be available from Shame File Music (AU).