Started by Potier, January 16, 2017, 02:10:30 AM

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After almost 2 years of general dissatisfaction, creative slump and re-orientation, I have decided to kill my previous label-effort and start fresh with a smaller, more focused approach. The new imprint is called Lead Lozenges and will focus on noise and experimental sound art as well as graphic art in print, animated video and multi-media explorations. Releases will be curated differently, artwork will be handled differently and communication will look different as well.
A mailing list will be set up for people interested in the output. No separate website will be created, no bandcamp will be set up, no web-store will exist. I want to get to a point where I can connect with people in a more direct fashion - therefore releases will be distributed differently as well. I will focus on trades and exchange of material rather than creating paypal-buttons. More information on this will follow as time progresses.

2 new cassette tapes are out and have been out for about a month:


K.M. Toepfer - Coerce I

C20 Cassette Tape (Cobalt)
Mixer feedback, cassette recorder feedback, pedal effects. Noise.
Edition of 24.


K.M. Toepfer - Coerce II

C20 Cassette Tape (Cobalt)
Mixer feedback, cassette recorder feedback, pedal effects. Noise.
Edition of 24.

Excerpts from both releases are here: www.soundcloud.com/kmtoepfer
Questions, comments, concerns, offers, suggestions, proposals can be directed here: lead.lozenges@gmail.com


LL-Print-1 - Derivatives I - art zine

Thanks for your time.


The first Lead Lozenges Print Edition (Zine) has now also been completed and is available.

Derivatives I

24 pieces of controlled glitch art
B/W print (Xerox)
All artwork by K.M. Toepfer 2015/16


January 2017

Once again, and particularly for this item, I encourage trades of all sorts. Email lead.lozenges@gmail.com for further information.


Deutsche Asphalt will be stocking a few copies of Coerce II for distribution in Europe.


Lead Lozenges is proud to present 3 new cassette-releases and another zine that are now officially out and available:

Please note: Initially there was not supposed to be a website for the label - there is now - link can be found in the signature.

LL3 - Yoosin Kim - Ss4K - C16 Cassette Tape - Edition of 24

Yoosin Kim currently lives and works in Seoul and Sokcho, South Korea. Kim creates sound works inspired by irregular nature sounds and showcases the sublimity of these captured snippets of the environment he lives in. He creates audio-visual performances with quartz composer and unity engine. Aside from his visual art practice Kim is currently producing the documentary "The draft line" in Sokcho. He utilizes the sounds and videos from this documentary for his live performance. After two digital-only releases through South Korean imprint and arts collective Dingndents, Kim now delivers 4 tracks of dense, serrated musique concrète that hover on the doorstep into noise at all times. Over the course of Ss4K, Kim manages to construct eroding sonic patterns that stream forward from the darkness and loop around digital debris like a moth around a source of light that only serves to burn its wings.
Artist copies will be on their way to Yoosin shortly.

SAMPLE: https://archive.org/details/Sps1s

LL4 - SkruntSkrunt - Clipped Bus - C20 Cassette Tape - Edition of 24

SkruntSkrunt is Abram Hindle from Edmonton, AB, Canada who told me the following when questioned about the tracks he delivered for his contribution to Lead Lozenges: "I was looking at the wave forms of tracks from all sorts of noise-releases and I noticed that they're all clipping. So I figured, I would do the same." Delivering 20 minutes of harsh noise straight from a live coding environment, Hindle continuously pushes the boundaries of what noise and experimental sound art can be. In this case it is garbled voices, cut ups, sheets of processed white noise, pet sounds, mumbling, screams and other wizardry. SkruntSkrunt has managed to consistently alienate audiences in western Canada and the United States by involving them directly into his performances of inclusive nerd-hullabaloo - Clipped Bus is just that - on a tape.
Abram is currently traveling but will have copies upon his return.

SAMPLE: https://archive.org/details/clipped-bus-sample

LL5 - K.M. Toepfer - Rohverschnitt A - C20 Cassette Tape - Edition of 24

Rohverschnitt A is a result of K.M. Toepfer's recent experiments with the manipulation of image data, conversion of image files into raw data and subsequently into audio data. An attempt is made to explore concepts of symmetry and asymmetry when abstract imagery morphs into sound. Semi-predictable rhythmic noise patterns are in essence directly derived from graphical abstractions and the application of glitching-methods in a semi-controlled environment. Only minimal editing and mastering of the resulting sound files has been performed. Tape saturation adds a welcome layer of grit to these recordings which can serve as an illustration of slightly compromised regularity - listen for artifacts and anomalies within that which suggests predictability.

SAMPLE: https://soundcloud.com/kmtoepfer

ZINE: LL-Print-2 - Derivatives II - Edition Size tbd

24 pieces of controlled glitch art
B/W print (Xerox)
All artwork by K.M. Toepfer


Anybody interested in distributing any of these titles, please get in touch via email - lead.lozenges@gmail.com
I am open to trades for any and all of these.

Thanks for your time.


A new batch of releases is now available from Lead Lozenges - released Monday, March 26/2018:

LL6 - Worth - Neanderthal Camera - C28 Cassette Tape - Edition of 40

Worth is William Van Gorder from Providence, Rhode Island, USA. With his Neanderthal Camera, he ventures deep into the ancient caves of harsh noise creativity. He drags out boulders with carved figures on them, he captures shaky camera footage of flickering flames at the bottom of a dark hole, he loops the primitive howls that emerge from the depths, he plucks strings and pulls wires from unidentifiable machines. It hisses, shakes, moans, screams and stumbles forward, trampling preconceived notions of what we have come to expect our daily dose of noise to be. After recent Worth-tapes on Lost In The Flood and New Forces as well as the "Blinder" LP on his own Prose Nagge imprint, Neanderthal Camera once more showcases the depth of exploration this project is capable of. If you thought you had Worth pinned down, think again.

SAMPLE: https://archive.org/details/worth-sample-web

LL7 - Hemant Sreekumar - Divided By Zero - C63 Cassette Tape - Edition of 24

Hemant Sreekumar from Bangalore, India got involved with noise in 1986 when he started self-hypnosis using television and radio static. He embroiders coded computational processes to create sonic situations. His compositions deal with notions of measurement, decay, data sonification and stochastic emergence. On "Divided By Zero", he dives head first into a dark, brooding sonic vision for a desperate future society. Ritualistic, churning rhythmic noise envelops the listener and paints vivid pictures of a colorful, dangerous maze of endless disorienting repetition, digital dependency, over-analysis and empty technology-worship. Radical minimalist reduction is the foundation of these 3 tracks, spiraling patterns and hypnotic stomping building blocks that are rounded out by mysterious chants - those of the machine and the end user. Hemant Srekumar is also responsible for the art on this release - each cover image is different - take your pick.

There is a separate webpage (with samples, videos and pictures) available for this release - created by the artist:


LL8 - K.M. Toepfer - Rohverschnitt B - C20 Cassette Tape - Edition of 24

Rohverschnitt B is the second part of K.M. Toepfer's ongoing exploration of image data sonification. Similar to Rohverschnitt A from 2017, the material on this tape is constructed from image data which is converted into raw data and from there into sound files. This time around the focus is on stacking multiples of the same image and through this process creating loops of glitched rhythmic patterns and cyclical waves across the stereo field. Multiple movements are contained within each of the 2 tracks on this tape to keep you guessing. Rohverschnitt B is unpolished process music based on fluid repetition, sharp cuts and odd pops - what's in the damn picture?

SAMPLES: www.soundcloud.com/kmtoepfer

Anybody interested in distributing any of these titles, please get in touch via email - lead.lozenges@gmail.com
All tapes are 7 $ CAD.
I am open to trades for any and all of these.

Here's hoping winter treated all of you well.
Thanks for looking.


Artist copies are en route to the artists as well - consider picking up your copy from these fine folks.


A selection of Lead Lozenges releases (LL5, LL6, LL7, LL8) has been mailed to the Skeleton Dust Records store in Dayton, OH - a few copies from the new batch will also go to Scream & Writhe in Montreal, QC.


As a long winter comes to an end, Lead Lozenges breaks the silence and is proud to present:

LL9 - Damno Te - Inferno Lust Machine - C40 Cassette Tape

Edition of 30.

Damno Te is Mark Meloche from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Over the course of the last 15 years, this project has provided an insight into the mind and the varied interests of the artist. Damno Te has morphed, dressed up, unmasked itself, grown, disappeared, struggled, learned, resurfaced and to this day channels a unique energy - a deeper understanding of the power source that noise music truly is.This newest release - Inferno Lust Machine - is inspired by the imaginative, epic poems of Dante and Ovid. The Divine Comedy and Art of Love coming together in an audio amalgamation of sexual desires, sin, and the evils of the flesh. The recordings on this release reflect Damno Te's recent exploration of minimal effects pedal setups, creating churning, detailed, psychedelic industrial noise loops with an almost meditative quality. Dizzying layers of pseudo-rhythmic textures form and disintegrate, wheels and cogs grind uncomfortably, relays melt in a hissy fit, pulsing vessels carry venom, bitter lubricant pours out of the broken arrays of imbalanced pumps and the machine of desires thrusts forward until the point of exhaustion. Billows of acrid smoke emerge from burned out breakers. Captivating material - delicate yet complex, alien yet familiar, passionate yet cold - an immersion into something beautiful and destructive.

You can purchase the tape by sending an email to lead.lozenges@gmail.com - all tapes are 7$ CAD.
As usual trades are welcome.
Anybody interested in distributing this release - email at above address.
Artist copies are out.




2 new releases are now available from Lead Lozenges - winter season has been productive as usual - so far:

LL10 - frozenlake121 - Innercom - C48 Cassette Tape

Edition of 24.

frozenlake121 is Edmonton-based musician and writer Andrew Hall (also known as the rhythm-section of jazz-skronk outliers Heavy Beak).
On Innercom, Hall presents a radical approach to improvised music involving discarded office intercom units as his only instruments. This release captures raw, crude feedback interactions between these devices. Sounds that resemble tortured woodwind instruments intersect with tinny, grating static bursts. Bleeps unlock rattles and hiss. Sustained, yet shifting waves of atonal debris wash over the confused listener. Make no mistake, seldom has a release inhabited a more narrow, primitive and almost nonsensical space. The absence of low frequencies makes it feel like frozenlake121 is attempting to drill into the listener's skull to release the built up pressure of office life. Innercom is a statement piece on a long since lost inner calm and the absurdity of a tiny speaker screaming into the face of a cubicle-inhabitant that is way too fond of the fumes of the computer duster. Double the dose by flipping the tape.

Artist copies will be in the hands of Mr. frozenlake121 tonight.

LL11 - K.M. Toepfer - Supplant - C30 Cassette Tape

Edition of 24.

As a follow up to "Undercut" on Canada's Absurd Exposition Label (2019), K.M. Toepfer presents further exploration of a variety of feedback sources as the foundation for two pieces of noise and abstract sound art. While the focus is still on dense high frequency content, the incorporation of a function generator and further keyed gate exploitation creates a different flavor. This release pushes the boundaries of the magnetic tape format as different signals crowd each other out and as a result push beyond previously reached ceilings. Extreme self-modulating frequency content is allowed to take root in shaky ground. Further uncomfortable, sterile environments are created in the process. Supplant is dedicated to the memory of a good friend whose life knew no borders.


You can purchase the tape by sending an email to lead.lozenges@gmail.com - all tapes are 7$ CAD.
As usual trades are welcome.
Anybody interested in distributing this release - email at above address.


LL10 & LL11 are now available from Scream and Writhe. Copies of both releases will also ship to White Centipede Noise later today. Thanks to both these outfits for distributing Lead Lozenges material.


Thanks to the fact that I did not succumb to the plague that is Covid 19, here is now a new batch of Lead Lozenges releases for your enjoyment:

LL12 - D.N.E. - Inverted Paradox Existence - C70 Cassette Tape

Edition of 35. (standard Norelco case with multi-panel insert - all credits for this to D.N.E.)

Inverted Paradox Existence delivers seemingly endless, impenetrable militant walls (yes, I know!) of organ-grinder noise with a serious war black metal backbone. The idea for this release originated a number of years ago on a trip to Canada's west coast in the frigid month of January that exposed the locals in beautiful British Columbia to the utterly soul-entrenching energy of this project for the very first time. I had first witnessed the focused simplicity of D.N.E. at a local festival in an art gallery in 2014 and was immediately sold. This is blown out failing circuitry, percussion and swirling textural nothingness...or everything-ness, sealed with the kiss of death. Baphomet dances on your grave.

A special art-edition release of Inverted Paradox Existence is currently being cultivated in the ritual chamber of D.N.E.'s Harsh Noise War Black Metal label, War Vellum – keep your eyes and ears open.

Artist copies have been delivered - support the artist directly.


LL13 - Ingram - Heathen's Prayer - C22 Cassette Tape

Edition of 32. (typical LL-style plastic sleeve package)

Ingram is the new project of Austin, Texas resident John Madigan Moloney, formerly part of the Dayton, Ohio noise scene. While his previous efforts under his own name (for Jungle Crunk, Okto Media, Skeleton Dust, Fluxus Montana and Stand-Up Tragedy) essentially fall into the realm of psycho-active acoustics involving abrasive collages of unsettling voice- and field recordings, Heathen's Prayer takes a different approach. With the prominent inclusion of guitar & ebow as well as synth, he shapes thick, enveloping, rapidly-cycling, heavy, ominous oscillations with sputtering backdrops and pop-ups. Signals fight for space, overlap and undercut each other. A psychedelic body and mind peel we as listeners can cleanse ourselves with.

Three distinct pieces of artwork have been created by John especially for this release.
When purchasing LL13, please keep in mind that your copy will come with one of the pieces, not all of them.

Artist copies have been delivered - support the artist directly.

Artist photo credit: Josh Levi - Instagram


LL14 - Potier. - Windows of Inopportunity - C20 Cassette Tape

Edition of 24. (standard Norelco case with bag insert)

More than 7 years ago the last Potier.-recordings appeared on Dayton's now unfortunately inactive Factotum Tapes thanks to the support of Matthew Reis. A lot happened in the years following "Irreparable" that lead to the shelving of the project and the DIY metal & junk devices were stashed in the back of the closet alongside the contact microphones. The hiatus ended up being much longer than anticipated. Certain Potier.-live appearances in 2012 featured setups that were never captured on any releases and so in 2020 efforts were undertaken to correct this mistake. "Windows of Inopportunity" sees the return of the combination of dragging chains on metal surfaces in combination with small motors and old-fashioned pedal noise. When a door closes somewhere, a window may open eventually to expose you to the toxic fumes.


You can purchase these releases by sending an email to lead.lozenges@gmail.com - all tapes are 7$ CAD plus shipping.
As usual trades are generally welcome.
Anybody interested in distributing these releases - email at above address.


Copies of all tapes in the new batch are now available from Scream And Writhe.


Three new releases are now available from Lead Lozenges:

LL15 - Primitive Isolation Tactics - Jackals Howling Across the Deserts of Time - C20 Cassette Tape

Edition of 32 (Standard White Norelco Cases with modified J-Card, stamped and sealed with speaker wire fibres)

The howl precedes the prowl...but there is not much preparatory canine pack chatter or aimless roving happening on this new effort from Montreal's Taylor Geddes. The contents of this tape know how to sink their small gritty teeth into the eardrums right from the start with steady buzz, cresting white feedback flutter, tonal rattling and scurrying internal feedback patterns. This focused attack on the nerves delivers some fine swaying rumble and clicking stutter with that occasional knob stop hiss. A cycling, unsettled drone emerges on the flip side, blended with a subtle field recording and small scale shaking and scraping impurities. As high frequency smears and dragging gear sounds set in, the weary desert wanderer knows that he is still being stalked by pesky critters as all the reserves are now exhausted and a quick whiteout blow stops him in his tracks for good.

Artist copies have been delivered - support the artist directly.

Artist photo credit: Anton Richards


LL16 - Thought Leader - Vox Populi - C60 Cassette Tape

Edition of 22 (Standard white Norelco Case with standard J-Card)

Throughout the sixty minutes of Vox Populi, these very first Thought Leader recordings propose a new approach to how we engage in communicative process. An expansion of reciprocity in relationships allows for the amplification of voices seldom acknowledged or valued. Safe spaces for vulnerable individuals are the key to continued growth in understanding and the pursuit of evolved connections. These field recordings - while seemingly intrusive and indiscreet - capture the essence of a willingness to immerse oneself in the complexity of a different "noise". These urgent utterances are ultimately to be decrypted with the heart. In being present, we recognize the bridges that are built when we relate unconditionally. Noise content is an often baffling sensory experience. Our codes are not universally applicable.


LL-Print-3 - K.M. Toepfer - Intrusion - Zine

28 pieces of Process Art/Glitch Art Pieces from 2020

Undisclosed Edition

You can purchase these releases by sending an email to lead.lozenges@gmail.com - all tapes are 7$ CAD plus shipping, zines are 5$ CAD.
As usual trades are generally welcome.
Anybody interested in distributing these releases - email at above address.


Copies of above items now available from Scream And Writhe. White Centipede Noise will have copies eventually.