Tape rip of Penis Geyser (USA) soup can tape on Reanimated Miscarriage from 2022 on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB0waao66_sCrosses quite happily from noisecore over to rough and experimental noise. Very much in the top of excellent noisecore releases I remember hearing from the last few years.
Split between Shitnoise Bastards (Malaysia) and Seer Of Decay (Greece) on youtube:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JqnoAxpcvUI thought SNB had ended, but luckily not! Fast and hectic freeform noisegrind as usual. SOD is a much younger group that have done just one CD-R earlier (titled The First Detonations, also on youtube and bandcamp). Very rough and blown-out material on both. CD-R version should be available by contacting the bands.
Listening to these, I also came across that Blarghstrad (Australia) has a new tape out:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frHUjn2LbkcFor those who like it heavy and dumb. The audio might get better if you mentally pair what you're hearing with this short recording footage the one-man miracle has posted earlier:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBSQCkKY_qASpeaking of dumb, few can make it as good as Vettige Kanarie (Belgium):
https://analbutt.bandcamp.com/track/b3-vettige-kanarieI think it was posted about here, but in case someone missed it: Nihilist Commando and Nyrkki had a split 7" out on Noise Carnage Records last year.