My assumption is that instead of format, most people simply look for good deal for good music.
I don't think digipak CD sold at 20$ is "great deal". But same can be said for 20$ tape in lazy "handmade" cover. These can be acceptable when artists & release is ones liking.
Tape maybe be for someone more special or personal. This argument leads to more interesting discussion: Why. Even if you like home dubbed tape as best format, is it because it's format in plain and simple concept, or perhaps economic reality connected to it: cheaper price, cheaper shipping, etc.
And if you choose CD, do you value those same things compactness (as opposed to LP's), but also digital carriers accuracy in storaging data, and as opposed to cheap bulk tape, possibly remain 100% the same for rest of your life no matter how much you listen?
I think format alone is hardly a deciding factor to vast majority. If you got 15usd tape from who cares HNW newbie as opposed to 5usd CD of Troniks. I'm quite sure latter would lure more? If you have same album released by lets say Galakt Horro and CD is 15 and LP 17.. Vinyl appears to sell much much quicker. But what if it's something like Genocide Organ CD being 15 and vinyl version 27. I'm guessing the lure of vinyl over cd suddenly is re-thought by many?