I am pleased to announce five new cassettes available now from New Forces: MO*TE, Kiran Arora, Flysch, Custodian & Gnawed, and Kyle Flanagan. I have also updated the webstore with a selection of distro titles including items from Cold Spring, Cipher, Unrest Productions, Helicopter, Hospital, IDDB, and more. Full descriptions below. Please visit
newforces.bigcartel.com to purchase. Digital versions at
MO*TE "Anti Is Anti Is Anti" CassetteNew Forces is thrilled to work with long-running Japanoise stalwart MO*TE, who delivers another dose of crunchy and dynamic noise. Excellent reissues have introduced MO*TE to a new generation of listeners, but the artist's current output is just as mandatory. Continuing to work with grittier sonic textures than some of his Japanese peers, MO*TE conjures up nearly 30 minutes of churning electronic hell. All you can do is sit back and appreciate that this veteran continues to remain active.
Custodian & Gnawed "Loathsome" CassetteCustodian and Gnawed are recognized as two of the best artists to emerge from the bleak Midwestern noise/industrial underground. These recordings, which were originally released as a 3" CDR in limited quantities, are finally available again. "Loathesome" is one of the best collaborations you'll ever hear, somehow managing to achieve more than the sum of its parts. This was perhaps the most aggressive period of Gnawed, and Grant Richardson's viscous power-electronics is layered over the looping harsh noise of Custodian. These recordings are ice-cold, drenched in reverb and disgust. The hateful vocal attack of Gnawed, when combined with one of Custodian's trademark freezing harsh loops, is completely unstoppable. I was lucky to witness both of these artists emerge as two of the best noise/industrial acts around, and it is a privilege to reissue this flawless document of the scene that inspired me to start New Forces. This is exactly how a collaboration should sound, and is the target other artists should aim for. Hail the Minneapolis-Milwaukee alliance. Gnawed and Custodian forever.
Kyle Flanagan "Highway To Hell" CassetteKyle Flanagan (who also serves time in Crazy Doberman) manipulates crashing walls of superheated scrap metal on "Highway to Hell." A maelstrom of grinding, shredding, and total mind destruction that satisfies like only the purest harsh noise can. Clever manipulation of tape edits and source recordings give these tracks a touch of finesse that blends perfectly with the neanderthal destruction. An exercise in sonic brutality from one of the most exciting shredders to emerge in recent memory.
Kiran Arora "Fever Swamp" CassetteKiran Arora is making a strong case for inclusion among the elite of contemporary noise. Fever Swamp builds on recent excellent releases on Skeleton Dust and Prose Nagge. This is classic American harsh noise, accented by brilliant composition and a healthy dose of tape-saturated crunch. Kiran Arora channels the magnetic sludge of artists like Aaron Dilloway and Sewer Election and injects a dynamic harsh noise attack. Reactions to these recordings have ranged from impressed to intimidated. Highest recommendation.
Flysch "Floating On A Rope b/w Friendly Latitude" CassetteFlysch continues to evolve with 20 minutes of electronic thrashing that paradoxically manages to sound both chaotic and highly composed. This is noise that resists easy categorization, although comparisons to Immaculate:Grotesque and Sickness come to mind. Harsh electronics are sliced, diced, and manipulated into shuddering walls of noise that pummel the listener before deftly cutting and changing direction at a moments notice. An exciting and singular release from an artist blazing his own path.