ANAL SHIT / CUNTS and DAYS OF HATE split 7"s avail

Started by ferndalerapvideo, March 21, 2020, 12:26:59 PM

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ANAL BUTT/CUNTS split 7", " the a.b.c.s of noisecore" , a fuller line up than most all axbx releases after this, tape noise/ feedback drenched guitars / blasts and vocal outbursts teamed with japans cunts first ever vinyl offering of the greatest band in the world. . found a few copies i was unaware i had.

ANAL BUTT/DAYS OF HATE an all around negative record. a more straight forward blaster from axbx and brazils days of hate deliver primitive and violent grind on the brink of noise.

cunts split is $7/s&h days of hate $4/s&h  email for payment info

i also have one white, size medium anal butt shirt, full frontal print / logo. youll get thrown out of anywhere for wearing this in public. . acquire with due caution. $10/s&h