I think there is certain attitude that makes band either be noisecore, be associated with noisecore or just not being close at all.
Why few riffs don't really hurt. In history of noisecore, there are plenty of bands use used some riffs. Either as intros or within songs. But I think there is the thing, do they aim to be "credible" grind or hc band who just can't make it, or are they aiming to be just what they are. South American scene, especially Brazil scene was possibly my favorite. Bands could border hc or grind, but they were still something any cool grinder would dismiss as worthless bullshit. Especially to my appeal was the nihilist noisecore bands, with promotion of extremism of all sorts. Exterminio Brutal, Hell Noise, Noise, Industrial Holocaust, Sonic Radioactive (check:
http://www.cfprod.com/noisecore/sonicrad-int.htm), Necropussy, etc. Already the names mentioned in that interview, what Davi things are vital in Brazil noisecore, brings shivers to your spine! You also see the amusing phenomena how scene was divided with some lifelovers and nihilists and eachother seemed to consider other side "nazis" etc. heh..
Even if something like Destruction Human or Trucidator etc were simply technically "lame", it's something so far from anal this and that and cunt that, what all is "gay" and that teenage humor what dominates the western noisecore. Therefore, for my own recordings as Nihilist Commando, it's vital influence still today.
V/A The edge of Painful Sensation LP - that's something to hunt. Originally not meant to be sold. Especially not for wrong people. 250 copies traded and handed out among the trustworthy noiseheads. You will find it in blogs. Noise/Mayhem Decay Cudgel/Rotten Anger, Conflito Final. Makes you want to pick up axe and dissect some teenagers with their trendy Rotten Sound and Nasum t-shirts, hehe...
This hardly relates to noisecore in Finland, by any other means that my own personal contacts. I used to be in touch with just about "everybody" in nc "scene" in early 90's. I don't remember many having passion for the south america chaos, except the mastermind behind A.N.H. (noisecore) probably better known from Will Over Matter nowadays.
I'm pretty sure this can't be re-created. It happened when it happened, but I'm quite surprised that there is so few people who try to take noisecore seriously. I mean, to extent that it can be. No need to exclude the humor that lies in this nonsense by definition, but that they could have things to say - or at least pretend so, heh.. and it would communicate with listener by other means than references to anime, gayness and fart humor.