Anything that creates MYSTERIOUS is rhe most rewarding experience in most satisfying result in the digital age.
Most things have become lame by being and holding to certain formulaic standards that no longer fit, similar to what other posters have pointed out.
I was always most influenced by the oddities one finds on the "dark web" which are not fit for creative consumption.
Anything else, with few exceptions, becomes less engaging.
Mystery is the most exciting element to me, and I can find myself becoming extremely fucking bored otherwise.
There are some literal creative fucking MASTERPIECES on the "dark net," and these artists will never get proper credit for it in a consumerist sense, and that's not even the point of it.
That is so far removed from the actual point of it. So to answer the thread question, yes, there is an extreme appeal / motivation behind this ethos.
And unless you're apart of a particular clique, its appeal will be lost on everyone else. By design.