Anyone having feelings that would be good to get back on doing live shows. As guest or performer.
Personally, located in Finland, basically before 2005 or so, noise gigs were very very rare to happen in first place. It was more like annual thing. I guess it has been only 10 years, when Finnish noise activity really started to flourish and after EST, F&V, Obscurex and so on one after another started to organize gig (followed by more people later on, around the country).
So basically, for guy of my age, situation now, is like norm, what it was like 15-20 years ago. No gigs in sight. Idea of international festival taking place, almost unreachable. For younger people it might feel... unusual void of "nothing happening"?
There is specific energy in live gigs and festivals, that is not replicated by talking online, or meeting local friends etc. Pretty much without exception, any relevant gig or fest spawns other things, fuels the action. It may also concretize the "interest" (or lack of it) what is towards work one does. Unlike in music scene, were people tend to moan about lack of opportunities to make income or travel, in context of noise that is barely relevant. To me lack of live shows seems more about seeing how crucial face-to-face meeting with some of the key players and other guys in general, may have effect. Not that noise would be depending of social interaction, yet it probably does have impact.