In time and energy consuming process of trying to clean up the label schedule from all the bending and delayed deals, massive new batch is now out with many absolutely recommended titles.
See covers and more information here: quick view below. More information about each item may be posted a bit later!
Toteslaut "Strident Impurity" CD (FIN, odd mix of noise and martial music! Very unusual and original album, somewhere between old Blood Axis, Naos and ...Richard Ramirez!)
Will over matter "Aviation Hypnosis" CD (FIN, new album, shorter instrumental album minimal industrial sounds, pulsating rhythms and electronic signals for fans of EG, MB,.. and WOM!)
Hal Hutchinson "Cold Industrial Experience" CD (UK, new album of HH, less harsh noise, more industrial-soundscapes of loops and crude factory sounds, arranged into pieces that has the dirty noisiness, but also the cold industrial sound)
V/A Terässinfonia vol 3 CD (FIN, introducing many new acts to global scene. Finnish compilation series of harsh noise, pe, experimental-noise, etc. Be surprised of quality and quantity of new names!)
V/A Terässinfonia vol 4 CD (FIN, introducing many new acts to global scene. Finnish compilation series of harsh noise, pe, experimental-noise, etc. Be surprised of quality and quantity of new names!)
APRAPAT "s/t" 2xCD (FIN, double CD compiling all early tapes plus unreleased work. Finnish harsh noise mastery!)
Pain Nail "Salainen Diktatuuri" CD (FIN, finally new album from Pain Nail! Finnish industrial-soundscapes/power electronics)
APRAPAT -t-shirt (see image at site)
Retail orders: send email!