IÄINEN (finn experimental)

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, February 04, 2022, 01:44:33 PM

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Was listening this debut tape of Iäinen. Man has been involved with some other noisy experimental stuff during the years, but his solo works was very nice. After some days of Stapleton, Wakeford and other experimental Englishmen, this tape was hitting soft spot.
It can be recommended to guys who have liked Metsäkirkko, Nuori Veri, and such. It gets noisy at times, but is not NOISE. Tape manipulations, eerie distorted drones, malformed lo-fi spoken word (in Finnish), field recordings. A lot of these elements are something one could expect from mentioned bands, but there is something different here. Makes me think some works of NWW for example, more than "Finnish noise".

I recall edition of this tape was ridiculously small, and actually from tape sound is more punchy and slightly more saturated, and works even better than the digital. Check here:

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