Where ƒrost reign hangar store update March 2022.

Started by online prowler, March 14, 2022, 01:47:06 PM

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online prowler

New photo books, subculture and SM print in stock.

Ito Seiu ««Beautiful Women In Boisterous Dance» (1932). Rare lithography art book from the godfather of Japanese bondage - kinbaku - and last ukiyo-e master artist.
Asahi Camera anno 1969. Cult Japanese photo magazine featuring works by Daido Moriyama, Takuma Nakahira and others.
Too Negative years 1994 - 1997. Rare restock of this cult photo book from the mind of Kotaro Kobayashi - editor of Ultra Negative, ORG, etc.
«Die Bilder über Die Strafe Und Abnormer Gefehlechtstrieb» 1930 first edition & 1971 second ed. The Where frost reign favorite tome. Close to 2kg book referencing the history of punishment, sexual assualt, tattooing, SM. 

Romain Slocombe «City of the Broken Dolls» (1997). Cult photo book that shouldn't need any furhter introduction.

All the titles are now in stock and streaming via ig channel  https://www.instagram.com/where___frost___reign___8mm/

Main ig: https://www.instagram.com/where___frost___reign___/

Visit the store and sign up to the W∫R web zine: https://wherefrostreignhangar.tumblr.com

online prowler

New 2022: Inquire about down payment plan on rare collector books and magazines.

Store page:
