Issue no.10 of
Noise Receptor Journal is officially out.
The new issue is printed in a new larger format (33% larger), and features:
-: Long-form interviews with: Browning Mummery, Cipher Productions, Dødsmaskin, Geography of Hell, Infinexhuma & Raison D'être.
-: Artwork: Cover artwork + review section artwork by Peter Andersson.
-: 60+ detailed reviews (ambient/ industrial/ experimental / power electronics etc.).
-: 106 pages. Professional print, colour cover, grey-scale throughout. 'Perfect bound' spine, with matt laminate, thick card stock cover.
-: Print run of 600 copies.
Orders now being taken via: distribution via following (list will be updated as necessary):
USA: Cloister Recordings, Chondritic Sounds, Helen Scarsdale Agency, New Forces, Found Remains, Material World (instore NYC), Difficult Interactions
UK: Cult Never Dies, Cold Spring Records, Tordon Ljud
Germany: Tesco Organisation, Total Black, White Centipede Noise, Drone Records
Finland: Freak Animal, Aural Hypnox, Satatuhatta Tapes
Canada: Scream & Writhe
Bulgaria: AMEK Collective
Italy: Old Europa Cafe
Greece: ECT
Australia: Cipher Productions, Overuse Distro, Inner City Uprising, Metropolis Bookshop (instore Melbourne and online), LULU's Melbourne (instore and online), & direct at:
http://www.noisereceptor.bigcartel.comPlease get in touch if there is interest in stocking wholesale copies: