LEO BROCHU 'FLOWERS' cs (Recluse Activity)

Started by chryptusrecords, April 24, 2022, 07:11:22 PM

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From the label:

"'Flowers' by Leo Brochu is one of the best slabs of harsh noise I have heard recently; it simply is a favorite amongst a lot of other stuff, though it has a lot of the familiar tricks and tips that you've already come to love on other classics. Cavernous rumbling Macro-Mother Savage low end, mossy and colorful mid-range violence, wispy high end grabbing high frequencies. Harsh fucking noise, done well and built around an archive of recordings older than a decade."

My first straight-ahead harsh noise work in a few years, released by Recluse Activity (Pascal & Robbie from History of Leather). Recomposed out of a big box of old tapes from when I was obsessed with MSBR and field recording. Seems to be sold out from the label but you can stream on bandcamp: https://recluseactivity.bandcamp.com/album/flowers and you can hit me up on instagram @chryptusrecords (or here I guess) to get a copy