Diazepam: спасмо / Барнум "жадные насекомые Юпитера" tape - psychedelic noise

Started by m., July 14, 2022, 05:40:49 PM

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спасмо / Барнум "жадные насекомые Юпитера"  c40


Soundtrack for the obscure Russian 60's Sci-Fi movie жадные насекомые Юпитера, directed by Антон Барномович Спасмов.
Giant insects attack a wasted Planet.

спасмо music is weird Jazz, Барнум is Noise, both are drenched in total psychedelic madness.

2 different covers
released in conspiracy with Fougère Musique & Underground Pollution Records.

Limited to 50 copies, half already gone
5e plus shipping, trades welcome
shivernoise @ gmail.com