Well, I mean, question would be are talking about PE someone makes (say: my viewpoint of power electronics I make now) or PE as a genre (say: my viewpoint of power electronics other people are making at this moment).
First one, is easy, but I suspect question is the second? Therefore my reply above.
I don't think there is so much of new power electronics in 2022, what would somehow question validity of PE was in 2021, 2020, 2019 and so on. So I can only conclude that core is the same. Even big part of relevant makers are the same now as was within last few years.
By saying the core is the same, it doesn't mean all bands would be dealing same themes in same ways. So in what ways it would be the same then? My subjective view is that it was most often people dealing with something that provokes strong emotions and thoughts, done in methods or via process that is personally rewarding and giving possibility to expand how you are generally supposed to think or feel about it. In process of making, researching and most likely living it, there can be real life altering results.
I think ideology is not accurate word in context of power electronics. If ideology is word for fixed set of ideals. Power electronics would be certainly in direct opposition of that, in favor of shattering what was formerly indoctrinated, and ready to evaluate it all again, from yet another perspective.
If we look very broad and quick view, there appears to be slight division. One side of PE tends to revolve in vilest substance one can imagine and the other side takes it to somewhat civilized psychological observations. Both approaches have their benefits. I feel that power electronics is very much like interactive performance art. Listener who is unwilling to take part of what art is, simply will not get it. They may enjoy the music, which is fine, but all the rest what was motivating and rewarding for maker or participants can remain unnoticed. It is vastly easier to notice theme, but way harder to notice the substance.