DEAD DOOR UNIT - "Laugh At The Devil" C62Dead Door Unit is the alias of Northeastern US artist Ken Geiger. The project follows in an exploratory vein of tape-recorded junk noise and field recordings. "Laugh At The Devil" is a work raucously out-of-time, bringing to mind the murk of mid-aughts Hanson releases or even the obscure malice of Dom Fernow's earlier work. Geiger breeds a fresh perspective through destruction and reassembly; "desperation."
Clear red C62 cassette with full-body stickers and paper inlay
SAMPLE: & VON HOFFMANNSTAHL - "The Element That Defies Description" C45 ReissueTribe Tapes is pleased to reissue "The Element That Defies Description", a mail art collaboration originally self-distributed by Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl in 1986 and later by Sound of Pig.
The participants included Architect's Office, Bog-Art, Cauchy Productions, Commando Bruno, Denier Du Culte, Amy Denio, S. Gustava Hagglund, Valeria Haller, Mary Horn, G.X. Jupitter-Larsen, Al Margolis, Didier Moulinier, Seiei Jack Nakahara, No Unauthorized, Bart Plantenga, Psychodrama, Reportage, Wally Shoup, Solomonoff & Von Hoffmannstahl, Uterus of Plant/Shinichi Igari, and Zanoisect.
Clear C45 cassette with full-body sticker labels and 4-panel color inlay. Includes an additional 5-panel insert with track and artist info.
SAMPLE: / DISTRO: tribetapes (at)