One good rule to consider when making noise is that there are no rules and nothing is off limits. You don't need to spend a lot of money, don't need certain equipment, etc. If you are satisfied with the sounds your creating and your having fun doing it your doing it right. Experiment, try new things and be open to what your doing. Don't be overly concerned about "getting it right", since:
A. Often times what makes something fun/worth doing is it's never exactly what you imagined; and
B. Setting really strict "goals" like putting out tapes right away, recognition/praise, or notions of success or mastery will only lead to dissolution and lead to you stopping.
C. Don't get overly obsessed about originality and uniqueness, chances are if your thinking about it someone else has too, this goes for everything in life, it's best to accept this and move forward. Just do your thing and have fun doing it.
Now, regarding radios...
Check someone like John Duncan, when I think of radio and noise I think of him. I guess Werewolf Jerusalem is radio/pedal wall stuff, that's what I've heard, but I've never listened to any of that output and don't care about wall noise.
If you've never messed with a shortwave radio try it out, that can be a really fun and interesting experience, imo as fun as any synth or pedal (check this site listed below)... other thing to consider when considering radio frequencies is how they sound when recorded and sped up or slowed down, it's essentially just electronic data. Hope that helps some.