Rural Isolation Project Dec pt. 1: Rotat, Rival Prostitute, Impur

Started by quttinirpaaq, December 15, 2022, 11:21:45 PM

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RIP035 RIVAL PROSTITUTE - ACID BIRD A true face of meat grinding, bad news psychedelia via transatlantic collaboration. Metal friction, shortwave, sitar and who knows what else. Belgium Vs. Texas. Art by Plague.
RIP036 IMPUR - Lacerando Al Impuro Full frequency digital blast furnace coming in fast from this new Spanish duo. Ultra frequency shear.
RIP037 ROTAT - REPENT PERVERTS - Finland's favorite son returns with possibly his finest release yet. Grunting and clanking it up with the best of them. Weird and wrong. WRONG wrong.

$10 each or all 3 for $20 only at