Split tape with Vitak is out via Танцы До Неба Records! Vitak is a new project of Vitaliy Darkfolk (punk warrior very active since early 00s) created with idea to play old fashioned harsh noise wall in vein of The Rita. One track from him, plus two experimental (a)rhythmic pieces from CAFAB, with more industrial taste.
Recycled cassettes and xeroxed j-card with different design on each side, so you could choose from each artist's artwork and fold it inside the case.
Link to listen:
secondhandskin.bandcamp.com/album/methods-of-organized-arsonIf you want a tape just hit me up, I'll have some copies on hands soon:
dansnastin@gmail.comI also can send distro catalogue if needed (have some releases from currently active Russian guys like Rose Sobchak, Струп, Light Collapse, Шумоизоляция and more).