Happy to announce 3 new releases
Teignmouth Electron - You Are Not Alone (CD) - £11
"...esoteric Hörspiel production meets audio vérité and found sound art object weirdness...music for broken walkman and archival cassette tape..."
Fish el Fish - Dog Wearing Dracula Fangs (CD) - £11
"...Syed Kamran Ali (Hunter Gracchus, Harappian Night Recordings) wrenches spoken word, electronics and busted instrumentation through filters of avant-psychedelic glimmer, mock exotica and atrophied, fusion-esque sheen..."adh007:
Shadow Pattern - Chimerism (2xCD) - £14
"...2xCD primer of previously released micro edition cassette tapes. Canadian basement concrete murk of the most obscure order..."
and a 2nd pressing of
Thomas DeAngelo - Voiceprints & Aircuts: Sound Poetry By Other Means (CD + Booklet) - £ 11
"...Thomas DeAngelo, known otherwise as T.D., offers an obscure, bloody-minded take on Sound Poetry and voice-based sound art. To be considered a thematic precursor to the 'Mouth Music' tape issued on New Forces.
https://adhuman.bandcamp.com/Order via
www.adhuman.co.uk /
info@adhuman.co.ukDistro announcements soon. Get in touch if you're interested.