I want to make clear of Course there are much worser places in the World like Sudan, Somalia and so on. But for a Western Country Germany is totally fucked up.
The Politics and all other Left Wingers and they're Muslim Brothers are making Propaganda against every German who does not following blind and the State says the biggest Problem in Germany is Nationalism while the new ones Raping, Bombing, Killing and so on all over Europe and the rest of the World.
First the Goverment here said All Reefuges are Architects and Doctors there are no crminals and of Course no Terrorists wo believed in that can't be taken serious. After that if a Reefuge is Criminal he is only stealing an Apple for Eating and so on.
In the End it's a fact Muslims nearly never go to Jail for example after Mass Molesting and Rapes in Cologne in 2015 only one guy go to jail for a very short time. About Shooting Fireworks in a massive Way by Muslims against German citizens no on talks about it.
On the other Hand there are Right Wingers who planned to attack Reefuge Shelters with Fireworks are going to Jail for many, many Years. This is no Democracy.
Can someone explain me why the richest Countrys in the World like Quatar, United Arab Emirates or Oman not can give shelter to they're Muslim Brothers?
If there would be the same Situation in Austria or Switzerland Germany would give the whole Population Shelter!!!