When I first listened Moon Over Torrelorca, I thought it's nowhere as good as Bats In The Attic. It seemed too minimal drone to my tastes. However, there was few points what made me return to it. First of all, I enjoyed the overall sound quality, which appears to be room recording. You can hear the sound of the room, and operations that take place. I guess for someone it might be negative that sounds of plugging/unplugging, coughing (heh!) etc. are heard in distance, but I like that. And secondly, first listening session was as background music with lesser quality speakers.
With proper volume, with proper speakers, it opens up better. It is highly minimal on surface level, but in the end, there is plenty to follow. When you simply sit in chair, actually listening to it. Many levels of sound operates at the same time. I personally like lets say, first 30 minutes most. It seems like roughly every 10 minutes something more happens. Some quicker shift you notice?
Green Car Crash is in my opinion great release. So is Bats... yet also that CD has short amount of "filler" in middle of disc. But it appears to be compositionally necessary. Underlining the upcoming full energy lazer war.
I think at his best, he has been in live settings. The best gigs lose to nobody. The way he does the material, is not so much up to setting will it work. It appears to work in many situations with various types of amp or PA power. Some can't make it, lights on, with amp on in bar corner. For this guy it appears to be no problem. Noise itself speaks so loud.
For some desperate fanatic, I may have extra copy of his 2005 japan tour ultra limited 3"CDR...