Of course, but one could say it about anything, not just PE? As I mentioned, that rant to defend band wasn't necessary (when even the harshest critic says he likes the stuff!), but the line selected from it was in my opinion good. Why:
I do agree everybody can have opinion, yet I would think it would underline validity of opinions, if opinions are informed even when being mere spectator?
There is very common idea that everybody has right to opinion, which is fine yet:
Quoteopinion is a subjective belief, and is the result of emotion or interpretation of facts. An opinion may be supported by an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. However, it can be reasoned that one opinion is better supported by the facts than another by analysing the supporting arguments.
That's what I believe would be called discussion, what happens in discussion forums.
Supported by facts or supported by arguments perhaps being for example what are the artists intentions. And I guess the given quote nailed it quite well. What it aimed for and what it delivers. Of course one can choose to ignore this, and value it only based on what level I am personally entertained at this moment. Set the material on same line with whatever piece of art or entertainment, since it's your time you're spending. These opinions in such cases tell about the listener/spectator than the art in question?
I could mention for example being highly critical towards some noise bands, for farting out worthless albums in constant stream. And eventually description of "audio diary" is mentioned. It is revealed that it was never point to make albums. It was never intent to be something new and amazing. To differ from previous or say something specific. Just someones more or less private audio diary, which you choose to listen. How critical can I be towards artists who is best in what he does, and succeeds greatly with his intentions? Is it wise to expect album worthy masterpiece, then get some random jam and be disappointed? His noise, is the diary. It's not rehearsed noble ballets or sweaty savage fistfights. After being revealed intentions or motivations behind work, it can be easy task to see value beyond just own entertainment needs. Up to debate, of course!