I've been at work the last couple months writing and recording my next release "THE ELDERS OF NEW DETROIT" a C20 on Retrograde Tapes (
http://retrogradetapes.blogspot.com/) and it's almost out. The recording is done and I'm finishing up the layout tonight so it should be out very soon.
I put together a short preview that you can listen to below, it features three tracks (ELDERS..., THE MERCENARY, AND MAN LIVES ON)
http://soundcloud.com/forced-opinion/the-elders-of-new-detroitAlso, I uploaded all new tracks and new recordings of old demo songs to my sound cloud page, please check that out if you get a chance. 2 from THE FUTURE BARBARIANS, 1 from THE BEACH AT NIGHT, and an outtake from the ELDERS recording session.
http://www.soundcloud.com/forced-opinion [www.soundcloud.com] ยป
If you like it, buy a cd, I have some!