Scar 020: Mania/Custodian Split LpEach artist contributes 4 new tracks! The MANIA material is raw, ugly basement old school industrial/noise with some choice junk metal
stylings thrown in for good measure. CUSTODIAN side is just balls out. Harsh, loud, brutal and "hard" noise! Double sided insert included.
Samples: http://soundcloud.com/novisiblescars
***Order Via***Bandcamp:
http://novisiblescars.bandcamp.com/ (Includes immediate download of 8-track album)
Big Cartel:
http://novisiblescars.bigcartel.com/ Direct orders also at: novisiblescars(AT)gmail(DOT)com
***TRADE REQUEST WILL BE INGORNED*** Coming In September:Scar 017: UR "Clandestine Meeting Park" C-30 Ur is a three-piece, out of Italy, born in early 2005 as a collaboration between Federico Esposito, Mauro Sciaccaluga and Andrea Ferraris. Their music is mostly based on free improvisation and its sonorities can't easily be described without referring to the well-known and wildest experiments of Industrial music of the late '70s / early '80s , but also to the psychedelic kraut-rockers of the late '60s / early '70s.
UR sample:
http://soundcloud.com/novisiblescars I'm helping a friend distro some of his tapes releases. Have a look at the
UNHOLY PASSIONS tumblr and sample the wears.
http://unholypassions.tumblr.com/http://unholypassions.tumblr.com/TAPE%20RELEASESOn sale at the NVS Big Cartel: