Clueless outsider journalism would be the insincere and routine job done by music journalists. Who write for magazines about bands they hardly care for. And the corrupted ones who write the suck up promo texts for releases made by labels that buy adds in their magazines and so on. You can often find the material in magazines, which covers music in broader sense, that they will cover noise in ways that its merely as weird phenomena. Or that you could basically replace band and album names in reviews without anyone noticing. Where Death Squad "sounds like Merzbow" or Incapacitants is power electronics singing about cocks, like once expressed in Finnish tabloid, hehe..
Of course, it will be utmost help if one knows what he's talking about. That to review piece of noise, he has actually heard and knows what has been done. That it is not all about subjective experience, but critical analysis of material.
SI is most of all fanzine, not "magazine". I don't take that as offense, but rather celebrate that there used to be time when even rock journalism here included people making a lot of effort to find the best material out there and write about it for others to find it too. Instead of lame lame lazy glossy mags being just incestious sale speeches within "business" or clueless remarks of those who hold the "power of media". Noise writing by noise listeners to noise audience. I'm all for it and becoming "expert" in field is not a task. It just happens accidentally when you do what you like.