1.Mind War/Wired Jaw split c90
split c90 from MIND WAR(Sam Hooker&A.C.) & WIRED JAW
( A.C. & Tony Miller from: Hztmat,Maxium Cloud,mini systems,etc.)
guitars /tapes/homemade synths all coughing up thick ,strange non-music sounds.
2. A.Coltrane-"BAD OMEN" c62
deep atmoshpere & a sense of dread forboding.nightmare trip. (housed in a 5"x7" vinyl album)
3. A.Coltrane-"SLAVES OF METAL"c62
multi-tracked cassette recordings of scrap metal & more metal,harsh metal.
cassettes are $6.00 p.p. in U.s.a. $7.50 Can/Mex. & $8.50 r.o.w.
PaypaL to:
hermitagetapes@yahoo.comIncapacitants 7" is delayed till Dec. sorry!