Something else that is fascinating, to me at least, is the romanticizing and glorification of spree killers that has become prominent with millenials (the greatest generation of course). Hell, even the popularity with spree killing amongst millenials in general is extremely fascinating! But I guess for me the intriguing part is that it's the fact that people's existences in the modern world are so banal, empty and worthless that they as 25 year olds worship as "saints" socially frustrated, virgin, high school kids who go on shooting sprees. People like this guy: hilarious pattern is almost the same every time. Emotionally and socially misaligned and immature young adult male who usually has a shallow, surface level obsession with everything 'goth' and 'metal', indirect and incoherent rage aimed at society (despite usually having lived in comfort their whole lives), middle to upper class with too much free time to do things like play video games and fantasize, egotistical pictures of themselves holding weapons and looking 'evil' in front of their Nightwish posters, idolization of other social rejects/spree killers who they identify with etc...
No one seems to worship good old fashioned serial killers anymore.