here are some more reviews I just ran across, this time from Crucial Blast:
Peiiste - Horns Of The Altar

"Along with those two double cassette box sets we picked up from Reptilian Sexual Predator, I also nabbed this set from the harsh noise outfit Peiiste which features some of the same people behind RSP (who are also members of the live Black Leather Jesus lineup). The two cassettes in Peiiste's Horns Of The Altar are filled with crude, deformed noise abrasion, studio recordings of harsh feedback filth and horrific mortuary ambience that stretch out over two hours.
The first tape features "Bind The Festal Sacrifice", a massive harsh noise workout that spreads across both sides of the hour long cassette. This grim distortion ritual constantly evolves throughout the tape, starting off with violent lashing electronics and super-heavy blasts of black static that coalesce into a vast swirling maelstrom, then shifts into long periods of muted speaker-rumble and ominous drone layered with crushing white noise. Sometimes settling into harsh walls of dead static, sometimes brutal and psychedelic, Peiiste crafts an excellent blend of bleak atmospheric rumble, black ambience, lysergic HNW and brain-splattering electronic carnage on this piece.
The other tape likewise consists of a single track split across the two sides, "With Ropes To The Horns Of The Altar". It's a monstrous, suffocating storm of black static and murky metallic reverberations, a fast-moving oceanic mass of oppressive distortion. High-frequency feedback and streaks of psychedelic effects occasionally punch through the relentless wall of noise, but never takes over, always becoming submerged again in the vast churning chaos. Towards the end, this vicious deathstorm ends up diffusing into almost total hiss, venturing into the kind of sparse fuzzscapes that Werewolf Jerusalem is known for. Fuckin' great stuff that falls right into the realm of nightmarish electronic murk that I am so addicted to. Recommended to fans of everything from T.O.M.B.'s most brutal graveyard blasts, the deathly loops of Alfarmania, Richard Ramirez's murderous impulses, and the more recent recordings from The Rita. Packaged in a molded vinyl cassette album with full color artwork. © CRUCIAL BLAST"
Reptilian Sexual Predator - Hymns: The Birth Year

"Hymns chronicles the first year of activity from the southern U.S. power electronics outfit Reptilian Sexual Predator, whose members are also in the current Black Leather Jesus lineup. RSP gets down into the black oily muck of the human spirit and plays around awhile, exploring the most despicable aspects of human behavior and evoking scenes of slavery, sexual torture, murder, humiliation, and more through their sinister, filthy electronics. This double cassette release collects an assortment of tracks from previously RSP releases on the Human Ignorance label along with early demo recordings.
These recordings range from dirty, low-fi static/drone experiments that use various layers of newscast snippets and interview segments with serial killers ("In The Light Of The World") that produce an unapologetic, nihilistic vibe, to grinding black-hole deathbeams of ultra-distorted synthdrone that turn into majestic death industrial dirges ("Children Dressed In The Sun") and brutal walls of harsh crumbling static. On later tracks, the tape detours into brooding, murderous death-throb, a blackened seething pulse riddled with bestial vocals and corroded synth tones. The tracks that skew more towards a classic power electronics influence ( "Bottom Dweller", "Kicks", "Anti-Communist ", "New Klan") are sickening vomit-encrusted dirges built out of rusted, juddering machine rhythms and gales of horrific electronic spew and menacing minor-key synthesizer riffs, fronted by harsh, hysterical screams and guttural ranting that often devolves into a gasping, almost death metal-esque roar. There's also extreme, nauseating feedback experiments on here that will test the resolution of the hardiest audio-masochist, and fluttering, choppy electronic noises are used in such a way as to evoke the swarming of malevolent insects. These PE-style tracks are as brutal as anything I've been listening to from other contempo traffickers of bestial electronics like Bagman and Sick Seed, taking the obvious Whitehouse/Sutcliffe Jugend influences and then blasting 'em through a wall of monstrous jet-engine roar and an ocean of sewage. You also get blasts of pure harsh noise like "Sick" and the ghastly ambient murk on "Recovered Memory" that offer respite from the Predator's cancerous black electronics, as brief as these moments might be.
This catalog of depravity is assembled in a molded vinyl album with full color sleeve and an insert pasted into the interior cover. © CRUCIAL BLAST"
Reptilian Sexual Predator - Vision

"Another double cassette box from Human Ignorance loaded with more of Reptilian Sexual Predator's depraved, nihilistic industrial-scum and low-fi power electronics. Vision is an eclectic collection that revolves around the case of Beth Thomas and the documentary Child Of Rage based on her book detailing early sexual abuse and disassociate disorder, with tangential detours into the group's obsession with David Icke's Reptoid mythology and alterative science. These dingy tracks are soaked with sampled dialogue, visuals and text involving themes of child abuse, sexual depravity, objectification, and murder that run throughout the entire set, spread out over nearly two hours of relentlessly grim power electronics, industrial punk, and vomitous black noise.
Vision begins with the title track, an unsettling collage of ominous drones, intense feedback, and dialogue from Child Of Rage where a girl describes acts of torture that she perpetrated on other young boys, then continues through the next ten tracks in an unpredictable trajectory that moves through primitive industrial rhythms, strange spoken-word passages, and throbbing power electronics assaults with gruff, gravelly vocals over sinister-sounding, almost gothic keyboard lines. Hell, when that gravelly moan shows up on the track "Baby Doll", it almost sounds like you're hearing Carl McCoy from the Nephilim fronting a particularly evil PE dirge. From there, though, it turns into an almost ritualistic feedback/percussion slog while a female voice slips us some surrealistic voodoo imagery and purloined lines from Salo, leading into the filthy Whitehouse worship of "Sexy Girl (Melting)". On the other side, you get some low-fi, dancey industrial tracks where narcoleptics vocals moan over sub-Clock DVA beats, offering breathing room between the noxious sine wave/TV chatter delirium of "Cherry Marine" and the leering PE filth of "Bastard Tongue". Then there's "Slag Bitch", a killer blast of brain-damaged black metal guitar and hellish shrieking fused to a smoldering mass of corrosive distortion.
The other tape has two side-long epics; the first is a carcinogenic pulsating nightmare where more lifted audio from Child of Rage is layered over the blackest synth slime on the album, spreading out like this for nearly half an hour like a disease, later erupting into swarming blackened noise that eventually melts down into an Atrax Morgue-style death-throb. The second is "Constantly Masturbating", which goes for a more subdued but no less sinister mix of whirring drones, funereal organs, tribal drumming, recordings of thunderstorms, and unsettling spoken word samples.
Comes in a molded vinyl case with multiple Xeroxed inserts and a lyric booklet. © CRUCIAL BLAST"
their distro has these three releases still, and the first two are still available from us, along with plenty of other stuff. nice to see someone's thoughts on these. I like the little pictures that they had up on their page too.
available here: