Eleczema started. All the tracks with loud shouted vocals worked pretty well, but early part of set and transitions of simple multi-effect/flanger feedback moments etc between was not working really. Drastic volume changes through out the set etc. Most of all it was played very quiet. Not sure if soundman or just the type of sound, but it was very quiet compared to rest.
Forza Albino was like trademark power electronics. Two guys with synths and vocalist. Simple Korg and I guess... wasp buzzing noise and quite clean shouted vocals. Pussyboy track from debut tape opened set and followed with samples of transexual/sex change operations, HIV and such. Vocalist was crushing microphones on his blood dripping bruised face. I think sonically tape worked better for audio-ear-candy, but aggression and simplicity of rock set-up PE works well for me in live situation.
Jaakko Vanhala with his filterbank/pedal/shakebox/etc noise took stage next. He was first to fully use to power of PA system. From deepest subwoofer rumble to high pitched detailed crispy electronics. Always everything happening on all frequencies and everything moving very fast. His set was not aggressive like Forza Albino, but instead simply pure energy! Joyful noise bliss what seemed to appeal the crowd the most and what can I say? Simply great stuff.
Damien Dubrovnik was two member unit. Already known from LP's etc. If you combined Pleasureground era Prurient with little hints of euro PE and let Danish enthusiasm and energy mangle the mix, this is probably what comes? It's at the same time kind of structured synth industrial type of stuff as it is the simple two-microphone-feedback-creaming over bassy keyboard sounding tone. It has physical metal object abuse, it has samplers and such. Stage presence is filled with energy and movement. It is not the back towards audience noise making noise in corner, but wild and interesting to watch the wriggling soon-to-be-shirtless fagginess (in the positive meaning of word that is! hah!). Set was longest anyone did today, and it worked easily till the end.
Good night!