NEW Beartown - Bjerga / Iversen & TPIATNAW

Started by D-Mellor, March 11, 2012, 09:38:26 PM

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BEARTOWNRECORDS.COM ← Samples and Ordering


£4 including worldwide delivery

Beartown presents a 26 minute live track from Norwegian experimental drone duo Bjerga / Iversen (Sindre Bjerga, Jan-Morten Iversen). Recorded at the ACTE Project Space in Oslo in October 2011, "Attempting to Discover Where To Begin" bristles with nauseous energy; a performance stretched and distorted by depthless sonic tension. The distant rattling of hidden urban rituals echoes over an ominous, lurking symphony of undulating drone textures.

A study in symbiosis, the superimposition of a superimposition upon a hologram of a copy, endless reflections of each other dance and weave sonic cloudscapes in a clear, moonless sky. Pulsing synthesisers ebb and flow, the tape-loop tide comes in, and retreats. Knocking and clattering, shuffling and rubbling announce themselves before disintegrating into silent ash, blown away by the advancing rumble-breeze.

Edition of 33 with photographic artwork, on-CD stickers and casually-selected insert.


£4 including worldwide delivery

TPIATNAW (Slump, Cavities, Black Sue / Blackk Suue) offers up frothing, bubbling, over-flowing cauldron of distorted analogue sound waves from the damp wilds of South Cheshire, via North London. A composite recording of domestic field recordings, rotting tape collage and overlapping arpeggios. Gusts of flowing electronics ascend and descend while the doors of perception are slowly crowbarred from their hinges by melodies of gurgling low-end static.

UNTITLED is a roaring, distorted hymn to the gods of radio dream-bulbs, the lost deities of microwave terminal chime-core. One for fans of relaxation, agitation and gestation – pop this on, brew the tea, and watch the kettle-steam ghosts dance and beguile to the sound of collapse.

Edition of 28 with collage artwork, and on-CD 'root vegetable' stick.

BEARTOWNRECORDS.COM ← Samples and Ordering