Quick distribution question

Started by Reprobate, March 15, 2012, 08:59:04 PM

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I've just released my first collection of recordings and I've been curious about how I can get wider distribution/listeners. I run everything on my blogspot page and, currently, I really don't care to make any money off of what I do. I just want to make an impact with my project. Any ideas/suggestions?



make a cassette tape and send it out for free to anyone that asks for it.


Yeah, that's true. My issue is not being able to spend too much on tapes and such. I'd like to at some point. I guess I'd like to get a bit of respect with my project before trying to sell things. I wouldn't want to pay for something without having any knowledge of what it is supposed to sound like, so that's why I've posted my first recordings as free downloads.


Send out copies for review. Figure for every 20-30 copies you send out, you'll get 1 review. Pay for an ad with the reviewer to up your odds. Also, make sure to kiss everyone's ass, but do so very cleverly without it being too obvious -- most important is to master the rhetorical style and particularities of the black humor (i.e. the way you degrade women gets really important here). Pay attention to who everyone's talking about on message boards and blogs, and in zines, and make sure to buy everything directly from the artist, and send emails with the order that stroke their ego, but again, cleverly (you're not trying to get laid, just to make sure you have the right 'friends'). Remember to maintain a very strict sense of irony, not glowing praise. It's a delicate matter. Make sure to friend them on Facebook and 'like' and repost everything they post. Do your best to mimic the graphic design of what's been selling out quickly in the last few months. Pay close attention here, because little things matter (i.e. spray-painted versus blank shells on tapes). Most important of all, closely monitor the descriptions of what's popular. They almost never in any way describe the release, but the subjects and objects matter and rapidly change over time: are eels, worms, snakes hot right now, or is it occult sigils and paraphernalia? Become a master of hyperbole and wry wit, and know when to apply which. Master this, and you may be able to sell 40 copies of a C-20 some day.


Trade some CD/s or Tapes with RRRecords :)


Quote from: catharticprocess on March 17, 2012, 09:25:23 PM
Send out copies for review. Figure for every 20-30 copies you send out, you'll get 1 review. Pay for an ad with the reviewer to up your odds. Also, make sure to kiss everyone's ass, but do so very cleverly without it being too obvious -- most important is to master the rhetorical style and particularities of the black humor (i.e. the way you degrade women gets really important here). Pay attention to who everyone's talking about on message boards and blogs, and in zines, and make sure to buy everything directly from the artist, and send emails with the order that stroke their ego, but again, cleverly (you're not trying to get laid, just to make sure you have the right 'friends'). Remember to maintain a very strict sense of irony, not glowing praise. It's a delicate matter. Make sure to friend them on Facebook and 'like' and repost everything they post. Do your best to mimic the graphic design of what's been selling out quickly in the last few months. Pay close attention here, because little things matter (i.e. spray-painted versus blank shells on tapes). Most important of all, closely monitor the descriptions of what's popular. They almost never in any way describe the release, but the subjects and objects matter and rapidly change over time: are eels, worms, snakes hot right now, or is it occult sigils and paraphernalia? Become a master of hyperbole and wry wit, and know when to apply which. Master this, and you may be able to sell 40 copies of a C-20 some day.

Hahahha. Now I know why my label is ignored :) To be serious, I think these rules can badly demoralize this young man :).... REPROBATE, don't read these words! I will give you good advices... Fuck system, even underground circle is sick....  Flout all rules and listen your intuition, nobody more... ;)


Quote from: catharticprocess on March 17, 2012, 09:25:23 PM
Send out copies for review. Figure for every 20-30 copies you send out, you'll get 1 review. Pay for an ad with the reviewer to up your odds. Also, make sure to kiss everyone's ass, but do so very cleverly without it being too obvious -- most important is to master the rhetorical style and particularities of the black humor (i.e. the way you degrade women gets really important here). Pay attention to who everyone's talking about on message boards and blogs, and in zines, and make sure to buy everything directly from the artist, and send emails with the order that stroke their ego, but again, cleverly (you're not trying to get laid, just to make sure you have the right 'friends'). Remember to maintain a very strict sense of irony, not glowing praise. It's a delicate matter. Make sure to friend them on Facebook and 'like' and repost everything they post. Do your best to mimic the graphic design of what's been selling out quickly in the last few months. Pay close attention here, because little things matter (i.e. spray-painted versus blank shells on tapes). Most important of all, closely monitor the descriptions of what's popular. They almost never in any way describe the release, but the subjects and objects matter and rapidly change over time: are eels, worms, snakes hot right now, or is it occult sigils and paraphernalia? Become a master of hyperbole and wry wit, and know when to apply which. Master this, and you may be able to sell 40 copies of a C-20 some day.

This explains why my Nickleback cover band is doing so well.


I hope my question didn't come across that way, in response to catharticprocess' comment (regardless of it being tongue in cheek.) I'm just new to all of this. I came upon industrial/p.e./noise all on my own. Besides any conversations I've had with people on this forum, I don't know anyone else who's into this. It was life changing, and I don't want my own project to seem like a mockery of any of that or any of you. Thanks for all of the suggestions, guys.


I would say it only happens over time. It's valid for just about everything. You do good things for long enough, people will eventually notice and things start to cumulate.
There is nothing to be achieved by cheap quick attention - such as described by Cathartic Process. You can get attention in those ways, but it leads absolutely nowhere.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


That's definitely never been my intention. I guess my question had more to do with how someone new to creating noise/industrial-related music would distribute it within the noise/industrial community since I don't know anyone who is involved in the noise/industrial community. I don't care about popularity, whatsoever.


Quote from: Reprobate on March 18, 2012, 04:28:34 PM
I don't know anyone who is involved in the noise/industrial community. I don't care about popularity, whatsoever.

then you need to start making physical releases and sending them to every distro that will take it. do trades with people who make music that inspires you. to meet people in the community by being part of it. its that simple.


Just stick at it, keep building your label profile. keep true to your code. it may take years/months/days.Not everyone kisses ass to get where they are. best of luck with your project!


Thank you very much, guys. I apologize for the way I worded the initial question. Made me come off as a total asshole, which was not my intention at all.


Quote from: Reprobate on March 19, 2012, 09:18:40 PM
Thank you very much, guys. I apologize for the way I worded the initial question. Made me come off as a total asshole, which was not my intention at all.

I don't think it did, don't worry.

Exercise a good level of quality control. If you can afford to invest in putting together some tapes/discs then (in theory) you believe what you do is worth hearing. I think of it less as "build it and they will come" and more as "build it well and they will remember the visit".

Zeno Marx

catharticprocess brings the bright, cleansing fire.
"the overindulgent machines were their children"
I only buy vinyl, d00ds.