2 new terror tapes - Volksmorg (pogrom + body cargo) and compilation

Started by Levas, March 16, 2012, 12:04:42 AM

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Various Artists - Kad Te Moja Čakija Ubode C80

Compilation of Balcanian and Lithuanian noisers, inspired by infamous Krsto Papič documentary about life of simple and raw brutality in Bosnian village couple of decades ago. Though at first it had to be more or less HNW compilation, the final result is quite diverse. Balcans offers orthodox harsh noise wall attitude while Lithuanian side is more varied and quite far from walls apart from perhaps Vidinė Ramybė. Lithuanian view on monotony and brutality seemed quite different. Anyways, the final result is quite satisfying 80 minutes tape. It is packed in a6 box with 12 page booklet.
Balcans. Walls:
Dead Body Collection - perhaps most varied wall from this project that I've heard
Sturmegschutz - nice crackling
Gigant - warm wall
Placenta Lyposuction - final wall

Lithuanians. Varied:
Pogrom - for the first and perhaps for the last time with lyrics in Serbian
Vidine Ramybė - the only Lithuanian wall
McKaras - the best and most surprising track from this guy! Excellent noise.
Oorchach - Ritualistic meditation on monotony
Girnų Giesmės - Slightly poetic brutality

With this release I'm not that much into trading.
TR-03. 8 euros
Edition: 100

And photo from the first listening session of the tape in Lithuania.


Volksmorg - Volksmorg C46

Volksmorg - joint pogrom and body cargo project. Two heaviest and fattest guys from Lithuanian scene. Debut record. Days and nights, spend in the basement with alcohol. Piles of tapes recorded during several years. And no one remembers how the recording ends for one is too drunk. This tape - couple of bleakest and most drunken sessions. No thought, idea, poetry, nice epithets, fancy conspiracy theories, hate about this or that, propaganda and so on. Only humming of noise generators. Dark and viscous experience, saturated in stink of spilled beer and your own piss. 46 minutes tape. And special thanks goes to Daina for mastering of B (vodka) side for we were not capable of doing that. This release is not even hand numbered and on the inside there is a guy, sucking other guys' cock! Truly worth checking out.


TR-04 6e
Edition: 100

You buy both of these - you get both of these for 12 euros.

info: info @ terror . lt


Small amount of Volksmorg tape available from me. For trade/sale.
Contact at bodycargo @ gmail.com


Soon copies available from:
Freak Animal

USA: Self Abuse


5 of each release left on hands. But there are people around the world who has these
Lust Vessel,
Filth and Violence
Freak Animal
Self Abuse
Phage Tapes
Nil by Mouth

And a nice review thanx to Ryan

<...>The main elements are building, indefinably feral yet aesthetically-driven, droning uproars and drawn out waves of static and crunch that glides with a sense of creating cacophonous spaces through an ascending noise-contralto. Layers mesh gently as the tracks reach for an apex, a release of tension, that never really comes, instead separating and allowing the foundational sounds to complete themselves in straightforward drawls. <...>

Full text: http://purestench.blogspot.com/2012/04/volksmorg-volksmorg.html