Out now: Aktivitat / Violichte, by Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)

Started by cerebro.morto, April 03, 2012, 02:42:25 PM

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Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.)
Aktivitat / Violichte

Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.) started his prolific and eclectic career way back in 1979, remaining active 17 years in total (1979-1984, 1997-2009). He is credited worldwide as one of the first Noise artists ever, and his contribution was decisive to help shape the then young Noise scene, sonically and aesthetically. Many regard earlier Bianchi's works as masterpieces, and Bianchi himself as a Noise pioneer, often alongside other late 1970's acts like Nurse With Wound, Whitehouse, Merzbow, or The Haters.
At the height of the international 1980's Noise scene Bianchi vanished. Artistically speaking, he always struggled to preserve his individuality, and that made him stop when he felt he was getting repetitive. His career took a new path after 1997, this time influenced by positivity instead of negativity.

Aktivitat was recorded at Mectpyo Studios, Italy, November 1981. It was first released in November 1981 in an edition of less than 20 self-released copies.

Violichte was composed and recorded between 2008 and 2009, using violoops and hertzian waves. Dedicated to the Italian microtonal sounds sculptor Giacinto Scelsi (January 8, 1905 - August 9, 1988). It was first released in 2010 in an edition of 100 cassette copies, by Robert & Leopold.

All composed and performed by Maurizio Bianchi (M.B.), and officially re-issued for the first time.

Special edition (CM010L)
> Spray-painted double cassette housed in hand-painted card box. Package by Tiago Jerónimo.
> Limited to 23 copies (20 hand-numbered, 3 slashed).
> Price + shipping: € 15.00 + € 2.00 Portugal / € 3.00 EU / € 4.50 World.

Regular edition (CM010)
> Double CD-R packed in double slim CD case. Cover artwork presents a Edoardo Pasero photograph. Package by Tiago Jerónimo.
> Price: € 10.00.

For more details on the release including the complete audio streaming, and images, please visit http://cerebro-morto.x10hosting.com/2012/03/31/out-now-aktivitat-violichte-by-maurizio-bianchi-m-b/.

For ordering details, please visit http://cerebro-morto.x10hosting.com/ordering-information/.