Kevin Drumm & Thomas Ankersmith 20/4 Malmö

Started by hannes, April 17, 2012, 11:08:01 AM

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Kevin Drumm, widely considered one of the crown princes of harsh noise, has always had the almost unmatched ability to diversify the medium in which his music is created while expressing many of the same emotions. Through textural washed-out ambient to the aforementioned harsh noise, most of his past albums share the common aesthetic of grinding, bed-wetting noise, yet they have seem him helm everything from the six-string prepared electric guitar to dual pulse generators to acoustic organ.
- Tiny mix tapes

Ankersmit constructs a musical world that feels alive and capable of going anywhere, and yet also manages to give the music a strong sense of structured purpose, a degree of compositional control unusual in this area of live performance. It is the fine balance between the sense of chaos that threatens to pull everything apart and the controlled formation of the music into clearly defined sections of differing intensities that raises the work above that of so many of Ankersmit's contemporaries.
- Richard Pinnell, The Wire

The gold embossed boxset housing the CDs looks uncannily alike a tabernacle which only serves to reinforce the near religious impact of processing Drumm's music in your own personal space, where opening the unholy coffer to receive its bitter sacraments will become like some Hellraiser-esque rite of passage. Highly recommended to fans of Vainio, Merzbow, Pita, Konër and Prurient, a totally overwhelming collection of music from the darkside.
- Boomkat



Saw Drumm in Copenhagen in 2007. Was good. Expect this to be at least as or hopefully even better.



Haven't seen Drumm live but have heard a few rel's- none were harsh so what does he does that is harsh noise?


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on April 18, 2012, 12:09:10 AM
Haven't seen Drumm live but have heard a few rel's- none were harsh so what does he does that is harsh noise?

Check Sheer Hellish Miasma or Land of Lurches - they both have some seriously harsh segments.


You have to listen to Sheer Hellish Miasma! I'm sure it's pretty cheap on discogs or most of the tracks are on YouTube. I listened to it again quite recently and it's such an amazing album.


I have or had Sheer Hell but do not remember anything harsh about it. Heavy but not harsh. Haven't heard Land/Lurches. I liked Sheer Hell so should dig around to see if I still have it.



Quote from: hannes on April 20, 2012, 01:14:37 PM
Ses vi i aften mikkel?

Klart vi gör, Hannes! Är där runt 20:30-21, tror jag.



Drumm seemed to have some issues with his machinery. Heavy roaring harsh noise, very enjoyable if it weren't for the obvious glitches (some of the unwanted sounds could've worked, but the obvious unwantedness of them brought it down). Good volume. At a softer section of the performance, an angry waiter from the restaurant next door peeked in and wondered what the fuck was going on. Guess they can take rock music but Drumm's (and Ankersmit's) heavy bass rumble probably made their expensive wine bottles shake too much. Posh motherfuckers. Ankersmit was very nimble, he seemed to be twisting and turning his knobs and whatnot machinery in fast-forward. Not a big fan of the music - a bit too high-brow (the sitting audience was asked to be quiet - the murmur from said restaurant broke through like a background drone at times, which enhanced the overall performance!) but the slower-moving bass heavy sections were a blow-out. The PA at inkonst, usually so quiet and cautious, had to work hard last night. My ears are still swooshing lightly. There was a goth-industrial-techno party with a lot of boots & funny hairdos afterwards. Did you stay and party, Hannes? Mikkel?
