Patient Drawings of O.T. was basically the first noise album I bought, though I guess I consider it music now, and it's clearly my favorite though I have enjoyed it all the way to Strategies Against Architecture III (that was the second album I bought from them). I suppose Kollaps or the first SAA were the noisiest per se but there was something about Patient Drawings that was between structured music and just throwing metal around. My favorite is song would definitely be Armenia from that, loops of an orchestra playing traditional Armenian music and a groaning machine combined with Blixia's hollow screaming always give me goosebumps.
Kalte Sterne was around the time FM Einheit and Alexander Hacke joined, both being involved in punk bands previously and still had an effect, bands like Abwärts and Sprung Aus Den Wolken, that sounded similar to kalte sterne were more obviously post punk than industrial, and much faster.
Anyone know what the material with Beate Bartel and Gudrun Gut is like? something tells me i'll be underwhelmed from what little Mania D I have heard, but I'm curious.