Down Under

Started by bitewerksMTB, July 18, 2012, 08:00:46 PM

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Mikko mentioned something about good things going on in Australia.

Like what? Always thought the place was interesting so let's hear about the racket going on there.


Mr. Andrew Mac is a digger, is he not?

I haven't heard anything from Australia since Ulex Xane's projects. I'm curious to know what's happening down in that part of the world too.


Here's his quote from the "Peak..." thread: "I believe there is pretty intense stuff happening in Australia as we speak. "

I've seen some really good mountainbiking videos from Down Under and New Zealand (any noise in N.Z.?). Always liked stuff about Aussie-land b/c of the venomous snakes, crocs, & Wild West-type landscape. And huge killer razorbacks.


I'm also interested to know projects from australia so I hope someone can shed some light.

as of NZ, i'm a huge fan of The Dead C and the whole late 80s/early 90s scene of experimental music that developed mostly around that band with sideprojects and labels run by it's members like Bruce Russell with projects like A handful of dust, Omit and lately stuff under his own name and Michael Morley as Gate.

I recommend this cd for anyone who wants to get a taste:

though this is "noise" that's definetly more in the free-improv side and coming more from albert ayler and lamonte young than from merzbow or spk.

Andrew McIntosh

The go-to man would be Mark Groves, who I'm sure is a member of this forum under some name or other. He helps run Sabbatical, which puts on lots of gigs in Melbourne, including a lot of inter-state artists, and does a lot of travelling himself. He would have the best view of what's happening here. Last year Sabbatical put out a great double-cd box set compilation of Melbourne projects called "Knife Culture" which would be an excellent start for anyone interested, really nice packaging and everything.

I know little, I hardly ever go out and have few contacts, although I'm lucky to be living in the Melbourne area as there's always been a lot of activity here for Noise and related. The thing is, there isn't really a Noise/PE "scene", such as there seems to be in places in the US and Europe. Things are very mixed. There's always been a great deal of experimental, sound-art, improvisational material here. The Make It Up Club, for example, has regular gigs every Tuesday night, for over a decade now, and everyone who's ever farted into a microphone has played there. It's an institution.

For some reason, we have a dearth of actual Power Electronics. I'm not sure why. Just about every other musical genre is pretty much ripped off and imitated here - Australians can be the most deplorable copy cats when it comes to music, and any other kind of culture really. Fortunately, what little PE there is here - basically Dead Boomers, Von Einem (both Groves projects, and I hope more people get a copy of Dead Boomers "The Pig In The Python" lp which came out this year, it's a pinnacle) and Ebola Disco who aren't playing much these days anyway - is pretty damn good. There seem to be a few Noise projects but not a lot of truly agro Harsh Noise, apart from Fuck, The Retarded Girl who plays traditional, cock-out, pedal-and-metal Noise. I also love the material that comes from Magik Crowbar tapes, which is usually Tommy Gunn and whomever he's gotten stoned with and jammed with (don't worry, no hippy shit). Tommy's in touch with a few other local, small tape labels too.
  Shame File released two excellent compilations called Artifacts which documents Australian experimental music from 1930 onwards, from academic composers to post-punk pub stuff. Clinton Green is definitely another contact one would want if you want to know more about abstract sound from here.
  I think most people have heard of Smell The Stench. Personally, I've fallen out with Leigh but admit he's still pretty active putting out shitty cdrs and tapes of pretty much everything he can get his hands on, particularly if it's Raw Black Metal/Black Noise related. Much of it is from overseas, though. The online section is handled in the US. The interview I did with Leigh is still online, along with interviews of a few other locals. The information will be a little out-dated by now, but it might interest some - there's also a fair bit of live material as well.
  Mostly, in Melbourne it's usually pretty smooth, abstracted material. Nothing wrong with that but unless there's been a big shift recently, not a great deal of rough stuff. I hope Mark can prove me wrong, though. One of the biggest issues is that because of geographics, it's very difficult for o.s. projects to come and play here. You'd think we'd be inundated with Japanoise due to the proximity but it's expensive for people to get here. We've hosted KKNull, Merzbow, Astro, Masonna and one or two others but to the best of my knowledge never The Incapacitants which is a crime. And of course it's near impossible for other nations to send their representatives for the most part. There was the International Noise Convention here last year (I think it was), Whitehouse played the What Is Music? festival a few years ago, Wolf Eyes have been here (of course), but a lot of the big names just can't get out here due to cost. 

Yea, razorback pigs where introduced here along with a lot of other non-native animals and they've been wrecking havoc ever since, like the cain toads who will eventually become the master race and overthrow humanity - the US will have to negotiate having their military bases here with a bunch of poisonous frogs, which wouldn't be a great deal different from the politicians we have now. Although we're much prouder of our sharks, crocodiles, snakes and spiders. And alcoholism. We love drinking. The further north you go the higher the blood-alcohol content reading gets. In North Queensland they don't know that you can drink water at all.
Shikata ga nai.


I'm in Australia and don't really know of much in the way of good harsh noise or pe happening here except for Mark Groves' (as mentioned in the previous post) project Dead Boomers, who I saw last weekend and really impressed me. His previous project, Absoluten Calfeutrail was also top notch.


Surprised no one's mentioned Neckhold!


absoluten calfeutrail

Quote from: HONOR_IS_KING! on July 19, 2012, 04:32:32 AM
Surprised no one's mentioned Neckhold!

The Turner brothers aren't residing in Australia at present to my knowledge. Dead Boomers played a show with them at the Red Light District in Far Rockaway back in February, and they had just moved to the US to study a few days prior. That said, Neckhold is one of the strongest recent projects to emerge from Australia - the violence of their approach is largely absent around here in general.

absoluten calfeutrail

Andrew's post above is pretty much spot on - although I wouldn't refer to Dead Boomers as Power Electronics. The Knife Culture compilation we released on Sabbatical last year does provide a pretty good overview of Melbourne's current character - though it is not exhaustive. There are a few other labels worth investigating to get a sense of the actual character of Australia's racket: Altered States Tapes, Magik Crowbar, Grog Pappy, Eternal Solitude, Spanish Magic, Inverted Crux, Cipher Productions, Now... This, Cantankerous, Trapdoor Tapes, and of course Dual Plover.



Rather than constantly lurking I will chime in with some quick info.  There are couple of Australian acts worthy of a mention and who should at least be known by name to the list:

-: the now long running Isomer is still turning out really interesting stuff and the new direction on David's last MCD was great - industrial bordering on PE. Good to see that they got to play in Germany with G/O last year.

-: the dark ambient project Terra Sancta is still going, and I understand a new album is imminent on Malignant.

-: Nekrasov were also pretty damn good whilst they were around.  B/M to noise crossover, but generally more noise than B/M.  They issued a large number of album's in recent years - many on overseas labels before recently quitting.  No idea of any new projects though.

Personally I was also behind Spectrum Magazine way back when (1998-2001), which seemed to reasonably regarded whilst it was around.

Right then - back to lurking.....

noise receptor: sound with impact - analysing the abstract

spectrum magazine archive: ambient / industrial / experimental / power electronics / neo-folk music culture magazine

Andrew McIntosh

Anyone know any more about the scene in Newcastle? There seems to have been a lot of activity there. Also, Brisbane has had a lot of good contributions over the years - one thinks of the Small Black Box scene. Apparently Agit8 is slowly getting back into movement which is good news - it wore the Harsh Noise crown for a few years in the late 1990's/early 00's. There's some material distributed on Cipher if people are interested.

Personally I'd be rapt if there was anything coming from the Northern Territory. Surely there would have to be at least one Noise/PE punter up there?!
Shikata ga nai.


Australia should look to Texas on wild hog eradication:

Andrew McIntosh

There's culls of all kinds of animals, including native animals. Kangaroos are considered a nuisance by farmers. But to Australian farmers, anything that isn't a cow or sheep or boundary fence is a nuisance.
  I understand in New Zealand they hunt wild pigs with knives. I've been given to believe that some Maoris (who can be big buggers sometimes) just stride into the bush with a knife and come out with a pig corpse. Could be bullshit but it' a nice image. You don't fuck with Maoris.

Have you seen "Wake In Fright"?
Shikata ga nai.

Zeno Marx

Terra Sancta is top shelf.
"the overindulgent machines were their children"
I only buy vinyl, d00ds.