True start is "Test Work 1985" which first appeared as disc 3 of Kaiboudai collection in 1999. After that the beginning of releasing cd-r's in 2005. three of the four tracks on Y.M. are static noise attacks, Tranquilizer cd-r is more like i donno, early swans, heavily distorted with slow deathmetal grunting. Non-Euclidean Geometry is very noisy, while still retaining some of the old qualities. Everything just done more loosely, less editing, less tincture, more raw ingredients. This would probably be a good place to start, first two songs on Non-Euclidean Geometry clock in at under 12mins and they're really good. The whole disc is great, it's just too damn intense to listen to very often.
Remix Of Life was the first of the new stuff to really piss me off, where i felt gypped for buying it because i really didn't enjoy anything on it. Just endless static roar. Like someone with infinite lung capacity yelling AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! in your face for an hour.