angoisse _ out now: Krube. cs

Started by Tenebracid, August 07, 2012, 05:33:05 PM

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 a n g o i s s e

krube. - für nichts und wieder nichts c40

after his debut next to raionbashi on an excellent split lp released by hrönir and a tape last year on fragment, we are happy to announce krube.'s third release: "für nichts und wieder nichts".

expect razor sharp jump cuts, violence interrupted, body horror cacophonies, scalped feedback and warped electronics giving way to the wall into which everything inevitably crashes.
riyl: raionbashi,, g*park, logothetis, mlehst...

krube. is based in berlin, germany.

limited edition of 40 copies. tape comes in regular case inside a black bag with a bunch of dog hair.

6eu + shipping


angoisseprod at