I am pleased and excited to announce that 3/4th of the final batch of albums coming out under the Somnolent Shelter Records banner are finally available.
After all of these albums are sold out, the label will be gone.
Let me say one more time that I am infinitely grateful to all of the people who have bought an album from me. You are the ones who kept me going through the fantastic journey of a homelabel owner.
Please, consider picking up a copy of each of the following albums from me as 100% of the funds raised will be invested in putting out an amazing cut-up harsh noise compilation CD (featuring K2, TEF, Kazumoto Endo, Kazuma Kubota, Ahlzagailzehguh, A Fail Association and other fantastic artists). However, please note that the CD will NOT be released by Somnolent Shelter - it'll be a collaborative effort between me and Sergey of MAAAA and Triangle Records.
Without further ado:
Vilgoc - Vril
Brutal and massive Harsh Noise Wall from the well-established Polish artist who has been around since the late 90s.
Samples: http://somnolentshelterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/vrilSSREC#024
Self-Inflicted Violence - Defeated
Brutally depressive harsh noise cut-ups from one of the Poland's finest. This album was mastered by yours truly - DK of Somnolent Shelter Records/Sleep Sessions.
Samples: http://somnolentshelterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/defeatedAunt's Analog - The Sudden End
Frantic harsh noise madness straight from Austin, Texas.
http://somnolentshelterrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sudden-exitPrice for each: 6$ + shipping
All of the albums are pro-printed, high quality CDRs. The high quality of the print was mentioned in several reviews.
Please contact me before ordering: apewrist /at/