1/03 - asilo occupato TORINO
2/03 - piano terra lab MILANO
3/03 - la mandragora MASSA
4/03 - case del vento RAVENNA (CHIESUOLA)
TORBA is the solo project of Mauro Diciocia, an italian soundmaker based in Berlin, Germany. His sound is a gloomy collage of tape cut-ups, hums and cracklings, walls of noise, audible insalubrity, odd found-sounds and other kinds of crusty textures.
http://www.torbaharshdrone.blogspot.comGELBA is a new guitar duo consisting of Matteo Poggi (Suburban Howl, Swollen Avangarde) and Michele Mazzani (Dona Ferentes, lonktaar): two guitars screaming and collapsing into a casket of effects and tape recorders.