
Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 10, 2009, 09:03:21 PM

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just rewatched Mark Hejnar's AFFLICTION. still find that one entertaining.


AMERICAN HARDCORE- the Bad Brains footage is great. Along with everything on Boston (too bad Kilslug/Groinoids isn't included). Always liked Boston esp Jerry's Kids LP & still would love to have a copy of "This is Boston, Not L.A.".


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 11, 2012, 07:49:01 PM
still would love to have a copy of "This is Boston, Not L.A.".

Mmm, classic comp! My friend bought it when it came out and made a tape copy for me, which I've kept to this day. Used to play it to death. The Gang Green tracks in particular are insane.


India... ugh. I've seen a docu about prostitution there but can't remember a title.  Isn't India also known for bride burning? Someone I know got upset b/c she found a clip of Glenn Beck talking about how terrible India is. Seems like an awful place from everything I've seen about it & those whores certainly do not make it any more attractive.

"Whores' Glory"- that's a Sutcliffe Jugend song, right?

Watched a bunch of Bigfoot hunting shows on Animal Planet yesterday. The best thing was these hunter's deep, gutteral bigfoot calls- they'd be perfect to use in noise.


Quote from: bitewerksMTB on March 13, 2012, 02:47:03 AM
Watched a bunch of Bigfoot hunting shows on Animal Planet yesterday. The best thing was these hunter's deep, gutteral bigfoot calls- they'd be perfect to use in noise.

Does anybody have specific recommendations on Bigfoot documentaries? Maybe something that is available online? Or some other cryptozoological creatures? Emphasis on the hunters and the phenomenon around the "monster". 


Bigfoot documentaries

No clue. I'd think it'd be easy enough to find but majority will be crap. I assume you may want something more than just a few people wandering around the woods thinking ANY sound they hear might be evidence of a squatch? My new favorite term for anything iffy is "that's kind of squatchy".

There are plenty of Bigfoot research groups/organizations. Maybe check their sites.


I hate those "squatch" hunters as much as I hate ghost hunters. I believe in the latter but not in the former but they both suck equally and generally have a huge bias towards believing in these things so they tend to think everything they have, sounds, film, "psychic" impressions, etc. is evidence.

Watched Chickenhawk yesterday, haven't seen it in a few years. I think I recognize a few parts as being used as samples, possibly Taint or Grunt? The full film has been uploaded to Youtube for anyone interested: . The cover art looks fairly "Sotos-esque" to me...


The best thing about the ghost hunter shows are the locations they visit.

I remember Chickenhawk but I don't think I ever used anything from it but I could be wrong. Only think I remember is the guy talking about the teen he meets at a convenience store & is so sure the kid liked him.

Animal Planet has a show on Sunday nights called "Rattlesnake Republic" about snake hunters that are in my general area. I've seen a few of them in action at snakehandling shows.


Quote from: RyanWreck on February 29, 2012, 07:55:52 AM
HARDCORE- the documentary about Max Hardcore. You can watch it in its entirety here:

daddy issues make the best sluts


Has anyone seen The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye? It's playing here next month and I'm wondering if I should go.


Been sitting sick at home just watching doc's all day. I don't know if any of these have been mentioned yet but I found them to be good, some better than others, and they seem to fit in with some of the sub-cultures, ideas/concepts, authors, movements, etc. that we talk about here so check 'em out (links to the full movies included after description):

"Documentary on the history of the synthesizer in the UK from Wendy Carlos through Cabaret Voltaire to the synth pop mainstream."
Duration: 1:28:13

Aghori Babas: Living With The Dead
"Documentary on the Aghori sect from India who worship Lord Shiva and believe in the unity of all existence. For them since all distinctions of opposites are illusory their practices include what is commonly considered taboo like the eating of human flesh."
Duration: 48:29

"Brilliant documentary about the birth of electronic music in Britain. "
Duration: 26:13

Video companion to RE/Search's Pranks! book featuring interviews with Joe Coleman, Boyd Rice, LaVey, Karen Finley and others. 1988.
Duration: 30:00!

The Power Of The Witch
"An extremely rare documentary about Witchcraft aired once in the UK in 1971. Featuring contributions from Eleanor Bone, Cecil Williamson, Alex & Maxine Sanders, Doreen Valiente et al."
Duration: 50:00

Skinhead Farewell
"Documentary about British youth subculture pulp writer Richard Allen and his fellow New English Library authors of the 70s. 1996."
Duration: 49:59!


'The Winged Beatle' - bizarre and entertaining Beatles conspiracy theory with lots of insane clips of records played backwards. From what I can make out there is some evidence suggesting that the filmmaker 'iamaphoney' is in fact Paul McCartney himself or someone connected with him.


not a documentary, but I think somebody should do it
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Watched a National Geographic show about the wonderfully venomous spiders & snakes in Australia. I like  anything about snakes/spiders & Australia is interesting because it's still almost like the wild west. A huge place that's barely inhabited.