
Started by FreakAnimalFinland, December 10, 2009, 09:03:21 PM

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online prowler

Great photos TT. Highly skilled executed and beyond!!

Whores' Glory and The Act Of Killing are superb features. I recommend to try interested parties to get a hold of the extended version of TAOK.







Saw this a while a go. Can highly recommend it.


Full, might not work outside Norway:

Joe Sarno, who was, in the words of porn actress Annie Sprinkle, "the Ingmar Bergman of sex movies," made 75 films, all of which he wrote himself. He used his chosen genre of sexploitation to explore sexual and human relationships, centering mostly on women. He remained firm to keeping his films softcore, believing full explicitness wasn't necessary to get the sex across. But when hardcore movies became popular in the 70s, his genre, and his career along with it, was basically over. And there's a reason this film is called "The Sarnos": the other part of the story concerns Peggy, Joe's loving wife and better half, who nurtured Joe and made it possible to continue making movies even after the market, his audience, and the times had passed him by. The most touching scene of the film has Peggy proudly showing Joe's New York Times obit – Sarno died in 2010 – prominently featured at the top of the page. This was vindication for both of them, a "fuck you," as Peggy says, to all those who doubted Joe when he was alive, and who criticized Peggy for sticking by him. This film shows that Sarno, though he may have been in a disreputable genre, nevertheless was a true artist, who dedicated his life fully to his craft.


Found on line one of the documents I stole many samples from for my first CD Memories from the pigsty. Tracing the life in early 2000 of some prime movers of the Blood & Honour scene. From one of the main guys of the skrewdriver security, to the guy who was actually releasing their records before the ISD records affair...

White trash culture a go-go, between council flats, rehab, jail, etc.

Interviews are VERY powerful.

One if my face samples ever:

"Former leader Neil, who describes stabbing someone as "too easy, like getting butter out of a tub" "

These guys in their youth became posterboys of the skinhead scare since they took part to a very famous photoshoot that is still used today.

"100% White is a powerful portrait of men trapped on the margins of society. Leo Regan's subjects, Colin, Neil and Nick, may have left their neo-Nazi gang behind, but shedding their own fear, hatred and violence is a far harder task.

Former leader Neil, who describes stabbing someone as "too easy, like getting butter out of a tub", now seeks counselling to control his violent tendencies. Colin left the gang because "you've got to look after your family before you can sort out your country", but demonstrates his paternalism by assaulting his wife and forbidding his children to have black schoolfriends. Nick has befriended a black man but still "can't get on with Asians." All three miss the camaraderie of the gang, the powerful identity and sense of belonging now so patently absent from their lives.

Like Alan Clarke's groundbreaking drama Made in Britain, Regan achieves the difficult task of humanising men whose views and actions are both reprehensible and frightening. At the same time, he never lets his subjects off the hook, challenging them even at personal risk. His only weapon, and best defence, is a disarming openness, which extends from subject to form.

Unlike traditional 'observational' documentaries, where the film-maker remains hidden behind a veil of so-called 'objectivity', Regan throws himself into the situation as an active participant, offering his opinions and leaving his questions on the soundtrack. As the effects of filming are foregrounded (particularly the way Regan's presence influences Colin's wife Karla, and Neil's girlfriend Charlene) 100% White becomes a video diary of the interaction between film-maker and subject - hand-held, messy, personal.. That these paranoid men reveal so much and that we, as viewers, care so much, is testament to Regan's skill and compassion."

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online prowler

Thanx Tiny Tove for the mention. Trailer for Made in Britain looks promising. Will make a note of this film to watch soon.

Saw the documentary "Body Without Soul" anno 1996 by Wiktor Grodecki yesterday. Thumbs up, can wholeheartedly recommend it. Film follows a group of adolescent male prostitutes, from ages 16 to around 18 in a harsh Prague reality during the mid '90s. Economic crisis and lack of parental / role model guidance lurks. I don't want to say to much, but the film gradually takes a twist when introducing their pornographer. A late '30 year old guy, who during the day time works as a pathologist. From there on everything is death. The film seem to be a free continuance of the director's '94 docu " Not angels, but angels". Some of the individuals also star in the '96 feature.

Body without soul, trailer:

Not Angels But Angels, trailer:


watch the movie version MANDRAGORA if you haven't already. perfection.
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2pf cell

i remember watching "100% white" when it was on tv.
powerful stuff

this one, nay?

online prowler

Quote from: tiny_tove on November 29, 2013, 10:44:33 AM
watch the movie version MANDRAGORA if you haven't already. perfection.

Thanx! Never came across this one before. Potential.


I'm very surprised that no one's brought up "The Iceman Interviews", given the nature of this forum. Despite HBO's sensationalist narration, the interviews with Richard Kuklinski are pretty fucking mind-blowing.

There was a followup doc called "The Iceman Tapes", which I seem to remember being slightly better.


Just watched "My Brother the Serial Killer" about Glen Rogers:

Rogers is, possibly, the killer of OJ Simpson's wife & her male friend:

Rogers took up painting while on Florida death row but I can't find any of the work online that is shown in the documentary.  According to the owner of the art in the docu., there's hidden details about murder victims.

online prowler

This one I think have potential. Haven't seen the film. Just the trailer and read some articles.

Cousin Jules (1973)


two good films about old school new york city gangs savage skulls and savage nomads:

80 Blocks From Tiffany's


Flyin' Cut Sleeves

beautiful visions of the past. a vibrant city life that's dead now...

online prowler

Quote from: l.b. on December 12, 2013, 03:16:16 AM
two good films about old school new york city gangs savage skulls and savage nomads:

80 Blocks From Tiffany's

A friend just recommended this one to me. Looks very promising.


Just finished watching The Ballad of Genesis and Lady Jaye.


Hookers at the Point, prostitution in Hunt's Point in, as far as I can tell, late 80s/early 90s? Lots of good moments of them talking about cutting up cocks and stuff for money.


Why isn't forum buzzing about how awesome Eternal Flame of Gehenna documentary about Finnish black metal scene and Noise of Finland about Finnish noise scene are? I've watched these just now in order to slightly lighten up my hangover, but had to get some whiskey to go with Azazel's talking and sipping from a nice mug. Bestial Burst, Freak Animal etc. should have copies. Don't miss this.

ps. I was not paid for this post.


Indeed, was just wondering this myself. Undoubtedly the best BM document for my taste. It's refreshing to hear unashamedly anti-Jew, Muslim and Antifa comments in a Black Metal documentary for once instead of just the usual safe anti-Christian spiel. Those Finns definitely "keep it real" in all regards. And Lord Satanachia certainly makes a memorable impression! Only disappointment was no Ride for Revenge, but perhaps that's modesty on director's behalf... Of course the accompanying Noise of Finland is obviously a must-see for any fan of Finnish noise/PE. Aside from the usual suspects, good to see acts like Golden Rain and Manic/Depression included as well.