Released as of today on Turgid Animal Records ( )Skullflower/Utarm - "Split" CDMatthew Bower's Skullflower, deeply influential early UK pioneers of both noise rock and noise music in general meet relative newcomer, Norway's Utarm, for 5 pieces of extreme, beautiful, dark and wandering-in-the-woods noise. The 3 tracks by Skullflower and the 2 tracks by Utarm on the split showcase different powerful sides of both bands operating inside a twilight zone within an experimental black metal influenced framework. Full length CD album of inspiring triumphant soundscapes, evil tepid ambience and deadly esoteric world music. Limited to 500 copies in jewel cases with drawing and layout artwork by Sindre Foss Skancke (Utarm). Highly recommended.
Voltigeurs/Dark Bargain - "Split" 7"Matthew Bower's and Samantha Davies' Voltigeurs has been operating as a Skullflower alter-ego for some years now and with the arrival of a new release, sitting nicely along side their slew of existing excellent titles (some of which also on Turgid Animal), they continue to not only prove their worth as a project in their own right but also continue to make some of the most interesting a ripping dark pyschedelic noise in the world wide "scene"... and as if that wasn't enough, the other side of the record awaits... On this, their debut release, Newcastle based trio Dark Bargain provide 7 minutes of thunderous rhythmns and harsh distortion laden and feedback drenched noise rock. A triumphant and impressive entrance to the world of releases for them, which isn't suprising once you are aware of the fact that Dark Bargain features three stalwarts of the northern noise underworld; Jamie Stewart (of Wrest) on bass, Lucy Johnson (of Rife and Smut) on drums and Mike Simpson (of Xazazz and owner of the Molotov imprint) on guitar and effects. Cover artwork by Lucy Johnson. Limited to 300 copies on black vinyl.
La Mancha Del Pecado/Culver/Karst - "Split" CD-rMexican noise maniac La Mancha Del Pecado has been working tirelessly to create of the most interesting and unique drone/noise music in years. Music made with the dedication and care of a true fan of the genre. Lee Stokoe's Culver project has been chipping away at the drone stone for over 20 years now and shows no sign of slowing down and certainly no sign of relenting in his vision for a dark and brodding, albeit sexy girl smothered, drone universe. Karst, one of George Proctor's (Mutant Ape, Sump etc...) lesser known projects makes a return from haitus to appear on this 3 way split with two of his favourite projects operating today. Expect 60+ minutes of the densest and most dedicated blackened drone art going.
Inseminoid - "Nightmare" CD-rNew and unreleased recordings from the duo of Lee Stokoe (Culver, Skullflower) and George Proctor (Sump, Mutant Ape). Recorded at the tail end of 2012 in Newcastle, "Nightmare" is a near on hour journey of dark and troubled droning noise from two damaged brains. Recorded live and with very little editing, the full session is presented here on hand stamped CD-r inside a printed envelope with A4 insert.
Smut - "Piano One" C-40Lucy Johnson's Smut project is seen here in stripped down form; utilising only a piano and a tape recorder. The pieces featured on this tape drift from sombre marches into ecstatic triumphant ringing tones. Drawing on influences such as La Monte Young and the monolithic droning nature of early Earth with a more lo-fi and forlorn feeling. Packaged in a hand stamped envelope.
V/A - "Behind The Toiler Door: Part I" C-90Behind The Toilet Door was a one day "festival" (for want of a better word) held in Blyth, Northumberland on the 2nd November 2008 featuring a slew of the more bizaree names in Northern Noise underbelly. Each project, band or artist was made to perform, as the name would suggest, within the small, claustrophobic confines of the wood workshop toilet. This document features the first half of the proceedings with sets from Brian Mueter And The Grandfather Clock, One Wobbly Egg, Waz Hoola, Dirty Den and "Wild" Joe Parsons, MC Blazin', Chris "Pause" Richardson, Ron The Birdcage and Scottish free jazz favourites Tighten Me Jewels. Hear them from behind the toilet door, watch them through the keyhole; hear them as they should be heard. Part II is available on Matching Head.