Rectal Hygienics LP & Sunken Cheek 7" out now

Started by Torn_Light, June 13, 2013, 04:22:03 PM

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Both new Torn Light releases are available for wholesale along with both prior releases:

TL003 - Rectal Hygienics "Even the Flies Won't Touch You" LP

Mid tempo to sludgy noise rock from Chicago, IL. Rectal Hygienics take their time stomping through 7 tracks of nihilistic, perverse & noise ladened rock. FFO: Rusted Shut, Brainbombs, Twin Stumps & the like.

Featuring ex and current boys of Socially Retarded, Sea of Shit, Hate Basement, Machismo, Abuse Patterns, CSTVT and SHARPTOOTH.

LP comes housed in a screen printed jacket with a fold out poster/lyric sheet. 300 copies one time pressing on black vinyl.

TL004 - Sunken Cheek "Prince of Mind b/w Husk" 7" EP
A glimpse into the works of Sunken Cheek's bleak vision. Low drones in dark hallways, ominous hums & swells with abrasive walls of sound. Prince of Mind is a forewarning for Husk, the two pieces work together to bring a completed work of terror & fear through sound. The first solo vinyl release for Sunken Cheek & the first of many collaborations with Torn Light Records.

Sunken Cheek is the solo project of Weston Cz, vocalist of Hunger Pains, Oak & Bone, and Japanese Furnace, etc etc

7" comes housed in a screen printed jacket with a fold out screen printed newsprint poster. 300 copies one time pressing on black vinyl.

Purchase both records here:


Thanks for all of the orders thus far. A lot of Euro orders going out today.



30 copies of the RH LP are left.

Sunken Cheek 7" still in stock as well.
